Chapter 10

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Evan's POV:

"Dude Evan you need to stop following me around for once" Jared says as we start to walk home, I can feel my hands start to get sweaty.

"S-sorry it's just you're the only friend I have so...."

"We're family friends, that's different than normal friends. Look no offense but I don't wanna be known as the guy who hangs around with the stupid nerd who everyone hates"

"S-stupid nerd? People call me that?"

"Yeah all the time. You haven't heard it?"

"W-well no not really"

Jared laughs a little. "Wow are you living under a rock?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Anyway, I'm going to head home and you can go off in your own direction. Just, never talk to me in school again ok? I don't want people to know about this... this thing that we have going on"

"O-oh... umm ok yeah" I say as Jared and I go our separate ways to head home. Once I start to go down my path I look back at Jared and then I keep walking. I sigh and walk up to a tree that's been there ever since I can remember. I slowly grasp my hands around the trunk, almost like engulfing it in a hug.


The rough edges of the tree start to dig into my skin but I try to ignore it, I just need a hug right now and I don't care who or what I get it form.

I feel like my only friend now is the tree, the tree doesn't judge me it just stands there waiting for confort. The tree can be a true friend, I don't care if it isn't normal.

"HEY LOSER" I hear a kid yell and suddenly I feel sharp pain in my back and my backpack is thrown into the middle of the sidewalk. I try to hold back the tears.

"WHAT KIND OF PERSON HUGS A TREE?" I hear another one yell, I swallow my tears.

I try to move but a kid blocks my way, I quickly push him off and run to grab my backpack but it is snatched away in only a few seconds. The kids start opening my backpack and pouring everything out, pencils, books, notebooks, erasers, everything starts flying everywhere. I try to grab my things from the ground but I am quickly grabbed and moved away. One guy covers my mouth while the other starts kicking me. I try to call for help but all the comes out is a bunch of mumbling. I feel like a dead animal that's being eaten away by thousands of insects. My body has no power left in it, I am pushed and tossed over and over again until I suddenly fall to the ground. I look up to see a kid in a black hoodie pushing people away from me, I try to get up but I can't. I can feel a sharp pain in my ankle, I slowly try to get up again and this time I can stand on my feet. I watch as the kids who beat my up start to scramble away, one of them comes up to me and I start to shake.

"Don't tell anyone about this ok? If you do you're dead" I slowly nod as I watch him run after his friends, the only person that's left is the guy in the black hoodie, now that I look at him more I think he's that one dude from my math class. I limb over to him.

"H-hey uhhh thanks" I say.

"Yeah It's nothing... uhhh sorry I have to pick up my little sister so I have to go but here's your backpack" He says while handing me my backpack with everything in it and then leaving to go pick up his sister, I sigh, put the backpack on my back and limb home.


As I walk through the front door mom is there to great me.

"Hey honey, how was school?"

"Fine" I say while setting my backpack down on the couch.

"Do you have any homework?"

"O-only math"

"Can I help you with it?"

"N-no I'm fine"

"Ok well just let me know if you need any help"

"Ok" I reply then go to sit back on the couch, I open my backpack up and dig out my homework.

Thank god it's still in there

I pull out my math book and open up to the right page, the pages got a little torn from the fight but I don't mind. I start to do my homework but as I'm doing it I am reminded of the sharp pain in my ankle, I sigh and try to hold back the tears.

Hopefully mom doesn't notice anything, she is a nurse but she won't notice anything right? I just have to walk like a normal human and everything will be fine. She won't notice the Jared thing either, at least I hope she doesn't. Everything will be fine right? Yeah yeah everything will be fine. Maybe all I have to do is lie to her and everything will be fine. Yeah I'll just lie, it's fine.

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