Chapter 35

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Jared's POV:

I've been texting Evan for hours now and he hasn't responded to any of them.

Did he get his phone taken away? No Heidi is not that kind of person is she?

I read through my text messages.

Jared: Evan I'm bored

Jared: Evan

Jared: Evan

Jared: Evan

Jared: you usually would have responded by now Evan what the fuck are you doing? Did you find Zoe Murphy or something and now you're making out with her or what?

Jared: by the way if you are you're a sicko

Jared: seriously Evan

Jared: Evan

Jared: Evan

Jared: Hansen

Jared: I will call you by your first name if you don't answer Mark

Jared: Mark

Jared: Evan

Jared: Hansen

Jared: E V A N

Jared: I swear

Jared: you know by this point I think you died

Jared: I give up

Jared: text me when you're alive again

I set my phone down and lay on my bed.

Did he seriously die?

Soon I hear a knock on my door and my mom walks in.

"What do you want?" I say.

"I have news about your friend" She says.



"Did he die?"

"Luckily no"

What do you mean by luckily?

"Jared, he got hit by a car"


How the heck did he manage to do that?

"He's at the hospital right now"

"Can we go visit him?"

Mom shakes her head.

"Not now, it's not as bad as it could be but they just don't want any visitors until tomorrow"

"Well what happened?"

"Well the only thing I know as of right now is that he fractured his ankle and needs to have a boot and crutches for a while"


"Yeah... but we'll visit him tomorrow I promise"


When I walk into Evan's hospital room he's laying in a hospital bed. His arm has an IV in it and he even has to have a catheter for his pee, which I think is pretty funny cause now I can laugh at him when he's peeing himself and he doesn't even know it. His mom is sleeping on a chair next to him. There's bandages and other fancy medical things all around Evan's body. There's water on the little table next to Evan's bed with freshly made Mac n Cheese. I walk over to him.

"Hey did you see my texts?" I say.

Evan shakes his head.

"Not yet, they had to grab my phone and backpack off the grass from where I landed and I don't even know if it still works"

"That's unfortunate, but of course what happened to you is also unfortunate"

"Jared you really don't know how to act in these situations do you?"


"I can tell"

"You're still a bitch even if half your body is broken"

"I didn't break many bones thank you very much"

"Darn it"

"What do you mean by darn it?" Evan asks.


"See you're a bitch yourself"

"Whoa Evan language"

"Now leave and let me go to sleep"

I sigh and go to sit on a chair next to Heidi, I look over at Evan's catheter, more pee is slowly dumped into it.

"Evan you're peeing yourself again"

"Shut up Jared"

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