Chapter 17

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Jared's POV:

"Evan and I were using self defense because they were the ones who attacked first" I say, I look up at Mr. Thomas and he doesn't seem to believe it for even a second.

"Those boys would never do something like that" He replies, I laugh.

"Have you even checked the security cameras?"

"We saw you slap one of them and that's it Jared, you started it"

"Well that's a nice lie"

"Jared did you just call me a liar?"






"He's suspended too"


"He's your friend for all I know he could have planned this whole thing with you"

I look over at Evan and I can tell that he's shaking and sweating a lot.

What the heck is wrong with our principal?

"Now I will call both of your parents and have them come and get you" Mr. Thomas says while picking up the phone. I ignore his conversations and talk with Evan.

"Look Evan I'm sorry we're in this mess together-" I begin to say but Evan cuts me off.

"I-it's not your fault Jared" Evan says.

"It kinda is..."

"N-no it's their fault not yours"

"I was the one that grabbed you and ran into the teacher"

"Still doesn't make this your fault Jared"

I sigh. "Whatever you say Hansen"

The principal puts down the phone and starts talking to us again.

"Both of you will be suspended for 2 days, your parents are on they're way to pick you up"


"Jared why did you punch someone like that?" My mom says while we're sitting on the couch in the living room, I sigh.

"I told you I didn't start it"

"I don't care you shouldn't have punched him, now go to your room and think about what you did. Oh and I'll take your iPod too" She says while holding out to hand, I dig my iPod out of my pocket and place it onto her hand, she grabs it and puts it into her pocket.

Shit my memes are gone.

I run upstairs to the bathroom, I go in a grab my bath bombs and start to eat them.

At least she didn't take away these.

"Jared are you in your room? Jared?" I hear mom say as she comes up the stairs as I finish my last bath bomb. Just as I was about to take my last bite she opens the bathroom door.

"Jared what-" She starts to say but I cut her off.

"Jesus mom have you ever heard of privacy?"

Broken Hearts - The BeginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang