Chapter 34

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The bell rings for the end of school and I start to walk back home like always except today I have to go through the busy road dude to construction on the other street. Our school is basically in the middle of no where and we are constantly surrounded by construction due to our growing city, so in about 20 years we won't be in the middle of no where but for now we are. I could take the bus but I prefer not to be around more people than I have to today, if there's anyway I can avoid people, even if it means crossing a busy street, I'll do it. I walk out the front doors of the school and start on the sidewalk, I make it all the way to the busy street, it's right at the corner of the school. I start sweating.

I've never done this before, I mean what if I mess up? Like big time mess up? Like get hit by a car or something? I've never been across this street I have no idea what to do.

I look around to see if anyone else is behind me and can show me the way but there's no one.

Ok I know I said I want to get away from as many people as possible but now is one of those rare occasions where I want someone, anyone. I mean I am pretty fast at getting out of school so that's probably why no one is here.

I look around to see if it's safe.

It's safe right now right? Yeah it's fine.

I quickly let my feet carry me into the busy road, but in only a second I am knocked off my feet and flung through the air and onto the soft ground beneath me. My vision doesn't fade, I haven't been knocked out thankfully but it feels as if everything hurts, there's a stinging sensation in my wrist and an awful lot of pain in my ankle. I try to left myself off the ground but I instantly colapse to the ground again if I put any weight on my hands or feet. I turn my head to look over at the road, all I see are cars passing by, no one seems to be stopping or looking, they simply don't care.


It's been a few hours now and I'm still on the ground on the edge of the road, I sometimes wonder if I'm dreaming but the amount of pain coming from my body reminds me that I'm not.

You're just forgotten.

No one sees me as a person I guess. Just then a small light blue car pulls up to the side of the road, a short, skinny figure emerges out of the car and comes running towards me. I can make out the figure more now that it's closer to be. The person is a female, she has bright blue eyes and medium brown curly hair. She's still in nurses scrubs from the look of it, she still even has her name tag on. She bends down and looks at me straight in the eyes, I think she can tell I'm in a lot of pain.

"Hey are you ok? Cause you certainly don't look like it"

I shake my head.

"Can you try and get up for me?"

I nod, I try again. I press my hand against the soft, cold grass but the pain in my wrist is just too unbearable that I colapse.

"We need to get you to the hospital, how did this happen?" She says.

"I got hit by a car a few hours ago"  I reply.

"A few hours ago? And no one came to get you?"

I shake my head, I can see a tear start to slide down the woman's cheek.

Why does she even care?

"Come on let's get you to the hospital" She says while picking me up and putting me into the front seat of her car, she then shuts the car door and grabs a fuzzy blanket out of her back seat and comes back and gives it to me and before I know it we arrive at the hospital.

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