Chapter 3

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A few years later...

Evan's POV:

"Oh Evan my friend has a son your age and he goes to your school, maybe you could become friends with him? It would be good for you Evan, I know it's hard for you to make friends"

"N-no mom it's fine I don't need to have a forced relationship"

"Are you sure? Evan I'm getting worried about you"

"I-I'm fine"

"Evan you're in 6th grade now and you haven't had any friends.... I'm just worried"

"I'm fine mom"

"Ok well if you need anything just tell me ok?"

"Yeah... sure, look I'm still trying to get used to a new school and I don't want to be worrying about friends yet"

"Yes I know Evan... I know you don't like people... well anyway have a good day at school"

I get up from the table, grab my things, and head to school. I silently take my short 5 minute walk to school, admiring the trees as I go by.


Once I walk into school I'm reminded of how much bigger it is than elementary school. I clutch my books tight to my chest as I work the way through the hall to my first class. I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want anyone to talk to me, I can't handle that attention. Suddenly someone bumps into me, I freeze in shock and my hands start to sweat. The girl picks up her books from the floor, mine are still in my hands because I've been holding onto them so hard, I look down at the girl.

Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me.

The girl gets back up and smiles at me, she has a bright smile and little cute braided hair that's tied into a pony tail with a red ribbon. She's wearing a blue dress. Her pink glasses rest on her face perfectly, she seems and so ready for the day. Meanwhile I'm here in my old polo and some khakis, the clothes I've been wearing ever since I can remember. The girl reaches her hand out to shake mine, I shake her hand.

"Hello! I'm Alana! And you are?"


"Evan! That's a nice name. What's your first class? Mines science and I cannot wait any longer, I love science don't you?"

"I-I have m-math first and y-yes I like science"

"Oh that's good to hear, well I better get to class. Good luck with your second day!"

"Y-yeah..." I say as I continue to walk to my next class, trying to wipe off the sweat from my hands on my books.


I sit down in my math class, all the way in the back, away from everyone. Everyone else soon starts filing into the classroom and the teacher starts class when the bell rings.

"Hello class, it's good to see you again. Today we will start off by getting our seating arrangements for the first half of the year"

No no no no, please be in the back please be in the back.

Mrs. Schuyler, my math teacher, points to the first seat then calls out a name. She gets to the two last seats, this kid and I are the only ones left. The last two seats are in the back which I'm okay with but I just hope this guy who is sitting next to me is decent. Mrs. Schuyler calls the first name.

"Jared Klienmen"

The dude who was standing next to me goes over to his seat, he has a t-shirt on and his hair is a mess, his glasses are a little crooked but he doesn't seem to mind.

"And last but not least Evan Hansen"

I sigh and go to sit in my seat, Jared looks at me.

"Hey are you the kid that doesn't have any friends, my mom told me about you. She's friends with your mom"

"Oh... good"

"Yeah... so I guess now I have to be your friend because my mom told me to, just don't be too weird ok? Remember, we're family friends"

"Y-yeah family friends right"

"Ok class, it's time to play a get to know each other game" Mrs. Schuyler announces. My hands start to sweat really bad, Mrs. Schuyler walks over to me and smiles.

"We'll start with you, please tell us your name and a fun fact about you"

"H-hi I'm uhh I'm Evan and I uhh l-like to uhh hang out with my mom"

I hear the class snicker a little bit, I feel my hands sweat even more.

Oh gosh please get me out of here.

Jared goes next, he decides to stand up and make a big deal out of this.

"Hey I'm Jared and a fun fact about me is I like to be insanely cool" he says then sits back down, all proud of himself. Then the next guy goes, he's wearing a black hoodie and looks like he doesn't want to be here, he has long uncombed hair that's just everywhere.

"Hey I'm Connor and a fun fact about me is I like not being at school" he says then puts his head down on his desk, trying hide his face. Jared turns back to me and whispers into my ear as other kids go.

"Hey maybe you should be friends with that guy, you're both awkward as heck. Just remember not to embarrass me ok?"

This guy is so weird, how am I ever gonna survive this year?

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