Chapter 43

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A few months later...

Evan's POV:

School is about to start again, in 5 days in fact, I am not ready. Mom only just got me a new backpack for senior year and I didn't have any choice in picking it but I guess I really shouldn't care that much. Today is my last day at the park before I go back to school.

I finish putting on my work uniform and head down the stairs, mom is waiting with the car running.

Most people my age would be embarrassed about not having their own car by now, but I'm not. I have my license and trust me I don't know how it happened. I get way too nervous when I drive so my mom has just decided to take over and drive me places, which most parents would never do. So I guess I consider myself lucky.

I get in the car, mom smiles.

"Are you ready for your last day?" She asks.

"Yeah... I guess." I say.

"Good, oh Evan I'm so proud of you." Mom says.

"Oh... good..." I reply.


Mom drops me off at the front entrance of the park like always. I walk through the windy path to the back entrance, where all employees enter. I check in and I am told my duty for the day, park inspecting. I let out a sigh of relief.

Park inspecting has to be one of the easiest jobs here, all you do is clean up the park and then the rest of the time you explore the park. I head out the back entry doors again and began on my park inspecting job. I walk down the windy paths, past the water falls, through the trees until I find the tallest tree in our park. I call her Hazel. I know it's weird to call a tree Hazel but the tree is just so beautiful. The way her leaves russell in the wind, it's just so smoothing to see and hear.

I come up closer to the tree. I decide to sit by her, drowning myself in my own thoughts. Listening to the world around me. Birds chirp, leaves russell in the wind, the sound of a distant waterfall in the background. Before I know it I'm closing my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.


I wake up on the ground by Hazel, I get up. I rearrange my hair so it doesn't look like I just slept on the job.

Shit what if someone caught me?

My hands start to tremble.

But then again I'm on grounds where hardly any visitors go, no one really knows where this path leads so they turn around and head back normally. But what if someone did see me? I'd be fired for sure. See this is why I can't do anything, this is why I shouldn't even have a job in the first place. I can't talk to people. I have no friends. No one would care if I was even on this Earth right now. In school, no one even notices me. The only person who even slightly cares is my mom. So why does it even matter?

I look up at Hazel. Her branches stretch across the sky, I long to be up there. I reach my hand out to the closet branch, I grab onto it tightly. I put my foot on the trunk and slowly began to make my way to the top. By the time I get to the highest, fattest branch, my hands burn. I look at them and they are all red, some skin is even starting to peel off. I ignore it. I look down at the ground below me.

If I fall, I could end it all now.

I let my feet dangle from the branch, still sitting and holding onto it with my hands. I keep moving until I'm no longer sitting, my hands are still grasped onto the branch. I look down at the ground below me.

Just one fall and you could end it all, end all of your suffering.

I try to shake the thought from my head but it keeps coming back.

End it Evan.

I keep looking down at the ground beneath me, my hands still clinging to the hard, rough branch.

Just let go.

The end.

Surprise ending. Sorry if you wanted more of the story but I thought it would be a good time to end it in my mind. Also this means I'll have more time to work on the sequel of this story and make it as good as it possibly can be. I hope you guys enjoyed the prequel as much as I did. Also maybe it would be a good idea to start with the prequel and then read the main book? I don't know maybe it would be cool. But like I said I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you don't hate me for doing an unexpected ending. Thank you again for all your love and support!

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