Chapter 13

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Evan's POV:

Today is the second day I see my psychiatrist, Laura and I'm honestly so happy? I've been using my worry stone a lot in class and it's helped I guess, I don't know if I should mention the bullying to Laura though, I don't want her to tell mom. I don't want mom to be worried that's the last thing I want.

"Come on Evan get out of the car, we're here"

"Ok coming" I say while hoping out of the car, mom smiles and grabs my hand. I pull away.

"What's wrong honey? We usually hold hand you know when you're nervous and everything"

"Y-yeah I know it's just I'm almost out of 6th grade and Jared says it's not cool and everything...."

"Oh Jared is always so silly, ok well I won't hold your hand again unless you want me to"

"Y-yeah ok..."

I don't know why I mentioned Jared, now I kinda feel bad for leaving him in the dust at school the other day.


"So Evan how has your week been?" Laura asks.

"G-good" I reply. "I was bullied a little bit but that doesn't matter..." I say quietly.

"What was that Evan? Remember you can tell me anything and I promise to keep it a secret"

"I was bullied a lot.... for years..."

"Oh Evan you should have told me earlier I'm sorry" Laura says.

"N-no it's fine really..."

"Have you told anyone else about this? Like your mom?"

I look down at the ground. "No..."

"You should Evan"

"I can't"

"Yes you can, look we can just take baby steps to start off ok?"

I nod.

"Why don't we start by getting a couple apps so you can calm yourself down when you get stressed out about being bullied, then maybe you'll feel more open to talk to your mom and you'll know how to calm yourself down in stressful situations"

I nod. "Y-yeah that uhh sounds good yeah"

"Ok Evan do you have your phone with you?"

"iPod" I correct her.

"Oh yes of course your iPod, do you have it?"

"Yeah..." I say as I set my iPod on Laura's desk.

"Ok so I want you to download these three apps and then I'll show you how to use them and we can do some exercises ok?"

I nod.

"Ok please open your iPod and go to your AppStore" She says while handing me my iPod, i do as she says.

"Now I need you to download an app called calm and we'll do some of the exercises on there together ok?"

"Ok" I say as I start to download the app, once it's done I open it and Laura comes to sit by me.

"This will be good for you Evan, it really will"

I nod. "I hope"

"I know you can get through this Evan, you are one of the bravest clients I've ever had"

"Oh... that's uhh nice"

Laura smiles and starts showing me around the app and we do some exercises together, I sigh.

Maybe Laura is right. Maybe this will be good for me.

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