Chapter 23

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Connor's POV:

Finally it's the weekend and tonight is totally free for me.

"Oh Connor we should go see your great aunt Mimi tonight how does that sound?" Mom says while busting into my room, I sigh.

"No" I reply.

"Connor she wants to see you"

"Don't care"

"Connor she's coming all the way from New York"

"Still don't care mom"

"Fine then I'll just get your father" She replies while walking downstairs.

Fuck you.

Soon dad opens my door, I can tell he's angry.

"Connor" He says.

"Nope" I reply. "This is one of my only free nights and you're not gonna waste it"

"Connor I will take away your electronics" Dad replies.

"ok" I say.

"Connor you're going" Dad says and starts to pull me off my bed.



Mom, dad, Zoe and I are now in the car driving to great aunt Mimi's house. Zoe is being annoying as always by asking 'are we there yet?' over and over again until dad literally has to yell at her to be quiet but then of course she starts crying and then mom has to calm her down and then I'm just sitting here in the middle of this wanting to die.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes kids" Mom says, I sigh.

"Finally we've been stuck in this car forever" I say.

"Connor we've only been in the car for like 30 minuets" Dad says.

"Yeah but having all you in here makes it worse" I reply, dad looks back and glares at me.

"What did you just say young man?" He says, I sigh.

"Never mind it doesn't matter" I reply, he shakes his head.

"It does matter Connor" Mom says.

"I didn't say anything" I reply.

"No, you said that we're making the car ride worse than it already is" Zoe says, I sigh.

"Zoe I didn't say that" I reply.

"Yes you did, you did didn't he dad?" Zoe replies, dad just looks over at her and nods.

"That is in fact what he said" Dad replies, I glare at him.

"Ok well it doesn't even matter anyway" I say.


We finally make it to great aunt Mimi's house and I want to die. We pull up onto her hilly driveway and park, I just stay in the car while everyone else gets out.

"Connor get out of the car" Dad says, I stay exactly where I'm at.

"Connor" Dad says more sternly.

"Dad" I reply.

"Get out"


"If you don't we'll spend the whole weekend here"

"Ok ok fine" I say while getting out of the car, mom smiles and walks up to the front door. I look around at great aunt Mimi's weird yard, all of her weird overgrown plants are almost blocking the way of the front entrance. Great aunt Mimi also has so many bird feeders I can't even count them all and I don't know why that women has them. As soon as I know it great aunt Mimi is walking out of the house and hugging mom.

"Sweetie it's good to see you" She says to mom, I just stand there as she goes around to hug everyone else and finally she gets to me.

"Oh Connor it's so good to see you" She says while hugging me, her weird perfume smell reaches my nose and I want to pull back but she's hanging on pretty well. Finally she lets go and I feel like I can finally breath again.

We all walk into her house and the smell of cat pee hits me right in the face.

Right, I forgot great aunt Mimi can't take care of her cat Mr. Whiskers.

"So aunt Mimi how has Mr. Whiskers been?" Mom says.

"Oh he's perfect" She says.

Just then Mr. Whiskers comes around the corner with all of his fat swaying everywhere.

Jesus Christ.

Zoe instantly runs and hugs him.

"He's so fat" She says while touching his fat.

"Zoe stop that's weird" My dad says, but Zoe keeps doing it.

"Oh it's fine" Great aunt Mimi says

I sigh and go to sit in the room no one goes in, where great aunt Mimi puts all of here old clothes. I just decide to sit on the floor and drown in my own thoughts.

I don't fucking care if you want me to talk to great aunt Mimi, I don't want to.

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