Chapter 21

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Evan's POV:

Today is the first day back to hell ever since Jared and I got suspended. Hopefully I don't have to cry in the bathroom today.

I walk alone to my first class as always, Jared is usually late so I can't walk with him so I just walk alone. Once I'm in class everyone starts giggling and I try to ignore it and just go to sit down in my seat, my math teacher looks over at me and smiles.

"Evan! It's good to have you back, here let me give you the notes packet and the homework assignments that you missed" Mrs. Schuyler says while going to grab the work that I missed.

"Now try to get these done as soon as possible" She says while handing me them, I nod. Soon the bell rings and class starts, Mrs. Schuyler starts talking.

"Good morning class! Today we will be taking a test but you're not graded on it, it's just a test to see how well you're doing with math so far" She says, everyone let's out a loud sigh.

"Now once you get this start on it right away and if you don't know a question just do your best" She says while handing the tests out, once I get my test I begin to start on it just like Mrs. Schuyler said to do. I read the first question and it isn't too bad, in fact I become kinda confident about it after the first few questions.

This is easy. My score can't be that bad right?


Once everyone got done Mrs. Schuyler starts going over the answers.

"Be honest with yourself, remember this does not go in the grade book"

As Mrs. Schuyler goes through the answers I start to feel like I'm marking every single one wrong, once we finish Mrs. Schuyler goes over the results and what they mean.

"If you got 5 to 0 innocent you are doing pretty good, if you got 11 to 6 incorrect you're average and if you got 20 to 12 incorrect you may need extra help" She says.

"You mean you're stupid?" Someone blurts out.

"No it just means you need extra help" Mrs Schuyler says, everyone starts laughing. I look down on my page to look at my score.

15 incorrect... I am stupid.


"Hey Hansen where's your only friend, Jared?" One of the populars says to me, I ignore him.

"I think he's sick, looks like Evan's all on his own" Another one adds in.

"He's always been lonely in elementary school so would it be any different for him now?" One of them adds.

"Probably not" The other replies. "I mean who would want to be friends with that?" They add.

"I sure wouldn't"

"Me either"

"Yeah Evan's so stupid and dumb, who would want to be friends with him?"

"Some lame kid, like Jared"

They all laugh then leave for a bit. I sigh.

Thank god.

They're not gone for long though because soon they come back but this time with school lunch, soon I can feel cold milk slip through my hair and down my shirt. I can hear all the laughter erupt in the background.

What have I ever done to anyone to deserve this? Why can't everyone in the world treat me with kindness?

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