Chapter 27

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Evan's POV:

"Evan your grades are going down should I be worried?" Mom says while looking through the mail, I sigh.

"No I'll get them up"

"Are you sure?"


Really I'm not sure, our show is in a month and Ms. Diction is already making us stay after school until 6:00, she wants this show as perfect as it can get. Of course that comes with consequences too, like not having enough time for homework and ending up having D's and C's. Trust me if I had my way I'd be quitting this musical but if I do Jared will be pissed and my mom will be disappointed and I won't hear enough of it.

"Evan I'm starting to get worried, I mean you haven't turned any homework assignment in since-" I cut her off.

"Y-Yeah I know I know, I-I'll turn those in soon I promise"


"Okay, I mean if you don't I don't know honey I hate to say it but you might have to quit the musical"


"But I suppose Ms. Diction won't be very happy if that happens.." Mom says, looking down at my grades.

Well I mean most of the ensamble members already quit anyway so I'm sure she wouldn't notice if another one went missing.

"Oh Evan but if you do quit the ensamble members might be so sad... don't you have like twelve or something like that? I know it seems like a lot honey but they need you" Mom says.

"Yeah..." I say.

Lied again. We only have like maybe six ensamble members now? Including me.

"Just try to get up your grades ok honey?"

"Y-Yeah I will"


"Evan I might have to quit the musical" Jared says while shoving a spicy Italian sandwich in his mouth.

"I'm sorry what?" I say.

"I might quit the musical" He says slower.

"But you're one of the leads you can't quit"

"I can Hansen, you'll just have to take my place"

"I can't do that, Jared I'm already struggling with this musical myself"

"Hansen we both can't quit, one of us has to stay so Ms. Diction doesn't have a meltdown"

"But Jared I can't take on the role of a lead let alone ensamble member"

"Well I can't either so one of us has to do it"

"I can't, Jared we both know I'm not that kind of person"

"I'm not arguing anymore Hansen" He says while stuffing the rest of his sandwich in his mouth, picking up his tray, and walking away.


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