Chapter 19

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Connor's POV:

Everything at school has gone to complete hell, everyone is bullying those kids Evan and Jared and even me. No one likes kids like us and I mean I can't blame them for it, who would? I'm the emo kid who everyone's afraid of and Evan and Jared are just lame so why not bully us? Even outside of school we can't get away from the bullying, it's everywhere. I guess we just gotta survive as long as we can until this whole thing goes away.

I'm just casually walking through the halls trying to mind my own business but it's almost impossible not to be pushed or shoved and called emo or a loser. Suddenly when I'm lost in my own thoughts I'm pushed against the wall, I sigh.

Here we go again.

"Oh look it's the emo monster, Connor" A kid, Kurt, yells.

"Oh man I'm so scared" Another kid, Ram, adds on.

"What did I ever do to you in the first place?" I ask, they just look at each other and laugh.

"Look Connor no one wants you here so why don't you just get yourself suspended like those other two losers?" Kurt says while pushing me against the wall even more. "Come on loser, aren't you getting mad already?"

I try to hold the anger inside of me, my teeth start grinding against each other, I try not to snap.

"I'm perfectly fine" I say while trying to push them away but they only push back harder.

"Oh really? Cause it certainly doesn't seem like it" Ram adds in.

The anger suddenly releases and I snap. "JUST SHUT UP OK?" I yell then punch Ram right in the face. Ram laughs.

"MRS. BROWN CONNOR PUNCHED ME" Ram let's out a big fake wine, I can't help but punch him again. I can't control the anger inside of me and Ram is just making it worse.

"HE PUNCHED HIM AGAIN" Kurt adds in and starts to fake cry, as soon as I know it Mrs. Brown, our vice principal, is over here.

"Ok ok break it up" She says while pulling us apart, I look over at Kurt and Ram to see them trying to hold in their laughter, I sigh.

"Connor, come with me and as for you two you can head to the nurse"

"BUT THEY WERE THE ONES WHO BULLIED ME? DONT YOU HAVE ANY BRAINS?" I reply, Mrs. Brown looks over at me and sighs.

"You're just getting yourself into even more trouble young man, now come on"

I sigh and follow Mrs. Brown into the principal's office, Mr. Thomas is already in there. It's almost like Mr. Thomas just expected me to wind up into his office.

"Well well well if it isn't Connor Murphy, have a seat young man" He says while pointing to the chair in front of him, I sit.

"You know the rules of this school right, Connor?" He says while digging out something from his desk drawers.

"Yes I fully understand the rules" I reply.

"Oh really? Because it seems to me like you don't" Mr. Thomas says while placing a copy of the student handbook on his desk.

"You have one of these at home don't you?" He asks, I nod.

"Good, now I want you to read the first sentence on this page" He says while pointing to a sentence in the book, I read it.

"Bullying is not allowed in any form, whether it be verbally, physically, etc."

"I don't think you understand that rule young man" Mr, Thomas says while closing the book and putting it back in one of his drawers.

"I fully understand and if you'd look at your security cameras you'd know" I reply.

"I did and those cameras showed me you punching one of those boys right in the face"

"Yes but didn't you see what happened before that?"

"Those boys were just messing around with you, they didn't mean what they said, I know they didn't"


"Look Connor I trust those boys fully and I know they didn't mean it"

"Oh so why can't you trust me huh?"

Mr. Thomas sighs. "You know what I'm just gonna call your parents and they can come and pick you up"

"So I'm suspended?"

"For two days, yes" He replies while picking up the phone and starting to dile my parents number.

"KURT AND RAM SHOULD GET ONE TOO, YOU'RE NOT EVEN THINKING THROUGH THIS PROPERLY" I yell, Mr. Thomas ignores me and continues to call my parents.

"Yes is this Mrs. Murphy? Your son is in some major trouble" Mr. Thomas begins, I decide to drown the rest of the conversation out with my own thoughts.

This whole school is bull shit, I don't understand how this whole suspension thing even works. This is all just bull shit, the populars always get their way.

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