Chapter 11

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Connor's POV:

"Hey honey do you know where all of my medication has been going lately? It seems I'm running out of it faster than usual" I hear dad say from downstairs.

Shit. I've been taking those pills everyday, to make me feel better and they do until I crash and feel super tired and weak.

"I haven't touched any of your medication Larry"

"Maybe by accident? Cynthia it's ok if you did"

"Larry I didn't"

"Well then how am I running out so quickly?"

"I honestly don't know Larry, maybe one of kids got to them"


I quickly go back to my room and leave the door open a crack so I can eavesdrop.

"I lock up that medicine cabinet every night after 10"

"Well maybe it should always be locked up until you have to go in there to get your pills"

"Well shit Cynthia what if one of the kids got to them?"

"I'll talk to Zoe, you talk to Connor"


I quickly go to shut my door and jump back up on my bed, I pretend to be asleep. A few seconds later I hear my door open and I can hear my fathers voice.


I say nothing.

"Connor I know you're not sleeping, I can tell when you actually are"

How the fuck?

Dad walks over and shakes me a little bit.

"Come on Connor get up"

I don't get up, he shakes me again.

"Connor please"

"No" I reply.

"Well then I guess I'll have to take away your phone"

"That's fine I have no friends anyway, that thing is crap"

"Would you rather not have a phone?"

"I honestly don't care"

"Well there was one reason I came up here"


"So you know?"

"Nope" I quickly reply.

Shit that was close.

"So my medication has been running out quickly and it wasn't your mother's fault so I was wondering if you touched any of it"

"Why would I do something dumb like that?"

"Your mother and I were just wondering..."

"Well that's fucking stupid"

"Hey no cursing"

"I'm almost a teenager oh my god"

"Well I'll leave you alone for now"

"Yes god please go"

"I'll have a talk to your mother about your behavior"

"Ok bye"

Dad sighs and leaves my room, shutting the door behind him.


I sigh as I'm being pushed and shoved in the halls like always, just trying to get to boring history class. I make it through everyone and I finally make it out of the hallway and into class and I go to sit in my desk, I sigh and put my hood up.

"Hey emo, you can't have your hood up in school" A kid says.

"Don't care" I reply.

"Hey dude don't mess with him he's a monster" Someone else sighs with a little laughter.

"Yeah he's so scary I'm so scared" Another one says sarcastically, I sigh.

"Can you guys just shut up? I know I'm a monster Jesus..." I reply.

"I bet I can fight him" I hear one say and suddenly the hood of my hoodie is pulled off my head, I look back to see people laughing.



"OOOH WE SHOULD TELL ON HIM" Another one adds in.

"YEAH" They all yell.

One of them starts poking me and then the rest join in, I stand up and push them away from me.


"Wow he's so scary" Another says sarcastically.

One of them punches me in the face, I can feel my anger start to build up and I punch him back.

"OOOOOOOH" Everyone yells as we keep punching each other in the face, as soon as I know it I can taste blood.


The bell rings and the teacher walks into the classroom, we all freeze in shock.

"Who did this?" She asks and everyone points at me, I sigh.

"Connor Murphy, you can have a visit with the principal young man. I'm sure he'd love to have you"

Fuck my life.

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