Chapter 32

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Evan's POV:

I stare down at my biology test, my head throbbing. I try to concentrate.

Come on Evan you can do this.

The negative side of me pushes back.

Actually no you can't do this.

I start filling in random answers.

I'm not smart enough to do this anyway so why should I care anymore?


After biology the bell rings for the end of the school day and I rush out into the hallways towards the doors but Jared sees me and stops me in my tracks.

"Whoa Evan whats going on tonight? Why the rush?"

"I- err" I stumble.

I just want to leave, I know everyone in this school is judging me right now, I'm a dumb freshman and that's all I'll ever be. Just let me go home Jared, let me go home so I can try myself to sleep and have my heart be constantly ripped into pieces.

"You what?" Jared says.

"I just have to go ok?" I reply.

"Ok Hansen, see you tomorrow" Jared says, I storm off again. I peer over hundreds of heads before I finally can get a glimpse of moms small silver car. I bust my way towards it, trying to hold back tears from the terrible day, trying not to realize how sad my life actually is. I open the car door and get in, I immediately shut the door.

"Hey honey how was school?" Mom asks.

"Fine" I say like always, it's never good or bad it's always fine.


Once we get home I run into my room and lock the door, I shove my face into my pillow and tears roll down my face.

Why is Jared your only friend? Why are you so dumb? Why do you always fuck everything up? Why can't you do something good for once? Why are you such a mistake? Let's face it you're a mistake, no one likes you and you can't do anything right. You can't even speak to people and even if you do you don't get an answer. You wait and wait for that answer but you never get one, all you hear is silence. You feel constantly ignored because you are, heck Jared probably doesn't even like you. The only person you have that maybe loves you in this world is your own mother and that's it, no one else. You are all alone in this world and there's no one there beside you but yourself.

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