Chapter 24

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A few months later...

Evan's POV:

My first year of musical ended off ok I guess, Jared and I became a little closer and that's kinda a good thing. The bullying has kinda stopped.... well not really but maybe it'll get there soon. I'm just hoping 7th grade goes by fast and there's no bumps in the road, but oh wait there already is. I'm only a few weeks into 7th grade and mom wants me to audition for our school's musical, Peter Pan. Doesn't mom know I have anxiety attacks? Well I guess she does and I have my psychiatrist to help me through it but still, really mom? Just wait until Jared hears about this...

I sigh and open the front doors of my school and walk over to the 7th grader section where Jared and I now hang out in the mornings. I look up to see Jared sitting in our normal corner next to the emo kids, and according to everyone else Jared and I are the geeky nerdy kids. I sigh and walk up to Jared, he just smiles at me.

"Hey loser" He says while on his new iPhone 4 that he got for his birthday.

"Hey..." I reply, Jared looks up at me.

"Hey you're not acting like you usually do, what happened?"

"I uhhh"

"Come on spill the tea Hansen"

"Jared who says spill the tea?"

"No one, only I do but just watch it's gonna get popular soon"

I roll my eyes.

"Anyway nothings wrong"


"I'm not, Jared"

"Are too, I know you way too well Evan you can't keep playing tricks on me"

"Ok fine! My mom wants me to audition for the musical and I have to go sign up this morning"

Jared bursts out laughing.

"You? On stage? In front of tons of people?"

"That's exactly what I said..."

"Well have fun with that"

"Don't you wanna help me?"

"And how the heck would I help you?"

"Audition with me"

Jared's eyes begin to widen and I can tell he's getting uncomfortable.

"Whoa whoa whoa I'm not gonna audition for this thing, you are and I'm just gonna sit and laugh-" he cuts off then continues. "I mean be a good friend"

"Yeah right, look Jared if you audition with me then I'll buy you a phone case"

"Will it be a good phone case?"

"I'm not rich!"

"Then no"

"Ok fine, it'll be a good phone case"

He pauses for a minute, looks down at his phone, then looks back up at me.

"Ok fine deal, but only if I get to come with you to pick out my phone case"


"Ok now where is this sign up sheet"

"On the choir room doors"

Jared sighs and gets up, he grabs my arm and walks me down to the choir room.

"You first" He says kinda pushing me into the door.

"No way"

"It was your idea"

"It was my moms idea"

"Well it was your idea to bring me into this"

"Fine" I say and begin to sign my name on the sheet, then Jared signs his name below mine.

"You're gonna get payback for this Evan Hansen, you know it" Jared says then walks back upstairs to the 7th grade section.

Oh wow I haven't talked to you guys in forever, ok I just wanted to say first off thank you so much for staying with me and reading my stories it means a lot. Second I hope you guys don't mind the time skip, I feel like we've been stuck on the 6th grade side so much we needed a fresh start so get ready for a middle school musical disaster!

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