Chapter 42

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Evan's POV:

I'm sitting on my bed looking at Zoe Murphy's Instagram, I find myself accidentally liking a couple posts.


I unlike the posts.

She can't know I like her, I mean who else stocks Zoe Murphy's Instagram?

I continue to look at some more posts. I come across a video of her singing, I listen to it.

Wow. Her voice is so pretty.

I continue to listen to the video until my mom busts through the door with a bunch of papers in her hands. I jump a little and quickly turn my phone off and set it on my lap.

"So what are you listening to?" Mom says.

"Can't you learn to knock?" I ask.

"Sorry honey it's a habit, and I have important news" She says and comes to sit next to me on my bed.

She hands over the stack of papers she has to me. I read the top of the page. It reads 'Ellison State Park'.

"So what's this about?" I ask.

"They want more employees and I think you're perfect for the job Evan, I researched and little and they said that you can patrol the park, tell others about it, research all the historic places about the park." Mom replies.

"Great..." I say while staring at the papers sitting on my lap.

"I think you should apply, just fill out those papers and call me back in when you're finished." She says while handing me a pen.


A few weeks later...

Today is my first day at Ellison State Park and I could not be more terrified. I just got dropped off by the main entrance of the park, I walk inside. There's already a few visitors here, I look around for a park ranger, they said one would meet me here. I decide to sit on a bench and wait. I look around. The interior of the main entrance place is basically all wood, the floor is hard wood and the walls look like tree trunks all twined together. There's a big desk at the front right when you walk in and over to the right there's a little gift shop. I don't know why places like these always have gift shops but they do. I look up to see what looks like a park ranger coming towards me. He has on jeans, some small brown boots, a hat, and a jacket that says 'Park Ranger'. He comes to sit down next to me.

"Hi you must be Evan." He says with a big smile on his face, he hold his hand out, we shake hands.

"Y-Yeah..." I say.

"Welcome to Ellison State Park, my name is Chad. I'll start by showing you around the park and then I'll tell you your work assignment for the day. Does that sound ok?" Chad asks.

I nod. Chad smiles and we both head out the doors and onto the walking trail. We pass a lot of trees and other things you'd see in a normal National Park. There's nothing really too exciting. Chad and I eventually stop and sit on a bench right by a waterfall.

"Isn't it beautiful out here?" Chat says.

"Sure is..." I reply.

"You read up on the materials I sent to you right?"

I nod.

Oh right. Before my first day Chad sent me a bunch of guides to read about the park and I did because I had nothing better to do. They were actually pretty interesting.

"Good, because you will use that knowledge today to answer people's questions they may have about the park and you will greet people as they come in" He says.

Talking to people?

"Oh... ok" I reply.

"Let's head back to the main entrance and I'll get you started." Chad says.

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