Howdy Boys

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Korey's POV

I closed my eyes to settle the butterflies in my stomach. I was brought back to reality when I heard fingers snapping in front of my face. I blinked my dark blue eyes open to see a smirking Lainey rolling her eyes at me.

"Earth to Korey," she boomed as I pushed her shoulder and grabbed my suitcase. She pulled my other bag out of the back seat sitting it by my feet. Giving me a knowing look, Lainey tugged me in for a big hug. "You have got this sister girl. Make these boy tow that line. Piece of cake okay."

"Okay," I said quietly. I picked my bag up slipping it over my shoulder then grabbed the handle of my suitcase. "I guess I need to figure out which bus I am on. I will text you later."

"Yes mam," Lainey called after me with a laugh. ""Plus I am sure there is some hottie around here that could help you out."

I growled at her before walking closer to the buses lined up. There was a steady flurry of activity around each of them. I paused biting my lip as I looked around when a woman with curly brown hair approached me pulling off her dark sunglasses.

"Korey right?" she asked giving me a quick smile. I nodded holding out my hand to shake hers. "I'm Kerri, Cole's manager. Come on I will show you where you will be staying."

"Thanks," I said then fell instep with her heading to a gleaming silver bus. I followed Kerri onto the idling bus looking around. She paused in the middle of the living room area with a grin.

"This will be your home away from home," Kerri said with a chuckle. "I'll be in and out since I split my time between Cole and Luke. Toby, Chase's manager usually stays at a hotel when he come in. Rich, comes in from time to time but he usually leaves BG up to his own devices. Jeff, the other tour manager, has worked with BG for a long time so he usually steps in if needed. He will stay on here and PJ, BG's head a security. You will love him. If at any point you need back up with this rowdy bunch, that is exactly who you should go to. PJ don't play and they all know it whether they have toured with BG in the past or not. But from what I read on your resume' you coordinated your brother's stuff, so you are used to dealing with a bunch of rowdy men."

"Yea," I said with a laugh making Kerri grin. "Frank swears that I may be little, but I am fierce."

"Good," Kerri said with an evil grin showing me to the back room where her bunk and mine were located. The guys rotated out the other ones in the middle. I sat my bags down. Kerri looked down at her watch. "We should be heading out soon. We are getting there a day head of time to work out any kinks in the stage and the sets. Chase got here earlier and last Cole text me he was almost here after making a junk food pit stop. BG keeps his bus in Georgia since he lives there. They are rolling out from there and will meet up with us along the way. They all are like any other man with the tendency to be over grown children. Fingers crossed they don't pull a Luke and wind up in the ER for doing something stupid."

"Not him," I said with a giggle as Kerri rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Yes him," she snicker motioning me to follow her to the front. "I swear that his Mama, his wife, and I have tried to raise him right. Kerri pointed at a phone and an iPad laying on the table. "Those are yours. All the numbers you need are already programmed in. The iPad has their days that are already scheduled inputted in there, every tour stop and the specs for each venue. Luke Combs, Josh Phillips, and Brian Davis will rotate out opening throughout the tour. I can already tell you to expect the unexpected on dropins since all three guys are songwriters as well. I know Cole does a lot of writing on the road so I can bank good money you will have to deal with Michael Carter on occasion. Bless you my child."

"Who is that?" I asked with a laugh picking up the iPad and peeking at the schedule.

"He's Luke Bryan's lead guitarist but he cowrites and produces a lot of Cole's stuff," Kerri answered as she typed out a quick text. "Goofy in every sense of the word. I can promise, a well placed ear tug will keep him in check."

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