Brantley Keith! You Did What?

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Korey's POV

I let out a snort as I popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth and felt the rumble of a laugh against my knee. I turned my head from at the TV looking down at Brantley as he looked up at me with a grin. I had never been to one but as a fan I had watched tons of awards shows over the years. This year CMT had started out airing the red carpet live. After spending the last in our own little bubble, Brantley had talked to Rich and Scott both about not attending. With everything that had happened this year, he hadn't wanted to put me up to that media scrutiny. He'd posted a picture of us earlier curled up on the couch stating that he hated he was missing seeing the fans this year, but we'd stayed at home to recoup from the busy year.

We'd been in the kitchen earlier laughing at the latest exploit Ashley was telling me that Tinsley had done when a knock sounded at the front door. Brantley had paused mid stir of the chili telling me to go grab it. I'd smacked Ben in the shoulder on my way out of the kitchen as he had reached for the pan in the middle of the island. Brantley had made me a batch of brownies while I had been napping earlier since I had mentioned a chocolate craving. He'd come to hang out along with Ashley and Eli to watch the show. I'd opened the front door with a gasp seeing Chase standing there with an unsure look on his face. I'd put off calling him because I'd been a total bitch knowing he had been right. But B had known I needed my friends and forced the issue.

He'd done that a lot the last week or so as I worked my way through things. I'd cry and he'd just hold me letting me get it all out. Had only been a fight or two with him still bringing up me moving in. I felt better than I had in a while. More centered. More like me. And waayyyy more relaxed. I didn't know who moved first but Chase had wrapped me in a big hug and cut me off when I tried to apologize.

Now we were all stretched out around the living room with a small fire and the TV going. Ashley and I had been making comments on the dresses. B, Ben, and Chase however had us rolling with running commentary. Good thing I had set both to record because we hadn't even got to the awards show yet. They kept tossing the remote back and forth rewinding to point out something. And the text messages. Let me tell you those phones had been lighting up because they were starting shit since they weren't there.

"Aww look Kor," Ben called out from the his stretched out position on the floor. I glanced up to look at the TV with a growl that made Ashley crack up. "It's your favorite person."

I flipped Jana off on the screen then stuck my tongue out at Ben. I felt a hand grip my chin tugging it down as Brantley pulled my lips to his with a chuckle. He bit my lip kissing me quickly then winked.

"I can think of plenty of uses for that tongue Princess," he murmured as I blushed. His phone vibrated, and he picked up laughing. He pointed at the TV screen with a snicker. "Wait for it.....wait for it."

Luke and Jason both walked by side by side behind Cody Allan as he interviewed Jana prancing like they had a pair of high heels on. I lost it in a fit of giggles. Then they zoomed in Cole talking to a reporter in the distance.

"Uh uh," I said with a laugh. Lord I had been laughing over the littlest things tonight. I reached back sending a text of my own. "I know Cole did not wear those shoes with that jacket."

"Geez Kor," Chase said with a snort from where he was sprawled out in B's recliner. "Going fashionista on us are we."

Ben sat up reaching for the bowl of popcorn that was on the couch beside Brantley's head in my lap. His jaw dropped then smacked my hand making me look at him.

"Damn Korey," he said with a low whistle as I shrugged my shoulders. "Bottomless pit much. You could have shared."

"And you know where it is in the kitchen," Brantley murmured pushing the side of Ben's head making him fall back on the floor. He snickered at something on his phone then looked up as the awards came back from commercial break. They panned in on Luke with Jason sitting on the other side of Caroline and Brittany. Jason discreetly rubbed the side of his head with his middle finger. Brantley fist pumped the air. "Yes! Told him is cowboy hat made him look old!"

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