Stubborn Ass Woman: Part I

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Brantley's POV

"Tiger Woods you are not man," I said with a booming laugh as Frank snarled at me from the driver's seat of the Bronco he'd brought along on this tour. This is what had been fun so far. I had been able to spend of some real time with at least one of my brother-in-law's. Wade would catch at least one show if he could when he was home. Frank's pants and shoes were soaked from chasing a ball that went down hill and had rolled into a shallow pond he didn't see until the last minute. I had....I just didn't warn him. Told him he should have just went for broke and dived in head first. I had almost been on the ground laughing. Ducked my head in time to avoid getting nailed in the head with a golf ball.

Korey had rolled her eyes the first time I talked him into going with me when we got on the road. Then my dear sweet wife had smiled, told us to have fun, and that at least we would be out of her hair. Moody the last few weeks had been an understatement. At least it had been aimed more towards Topher than anything. Damn idiot just couldn't help but push her buttons. Korey had lunged for him last night over a comment about her ass looking bigger. I'd growled at him before tossing her over my shoulder to keep him safe. I held my phone up with a grin shaking it at Frank. "Ashli said thanks for the video."

"Oh come on BG!" Frank whined slightly as he pulled in the parking lot of the venue. We waved at the security guards then eased towards our buses. Frank swore that Earl parked next to his bus every time on purpose. Grumbled that it was because we were newlyweds. He glared at me as he parked. I pulled my shades down giving him a broad smirk. "You know she will have that shit all over mine, hers, and Fox's Instagram man."

"Why do you think I did it?" I asked with a laugh climbing out and pulling my bag of clubs out the back to store under the bus. Frank flipped me off rolling his eyes. "What? It's cute as hell when Fox gets to laughing man. I would be a bad uncle if I didn't provide my nephew with some entertainment."

Frank opened his mouth to say something else when Topher came hurrying over to us holding an ice pack over his eye. I looked at Frank and Frank looked at me. We both knew exactly who the cause behind that was. I closed my eyes praying for patience wondering what he did to her this time.

"She has officially lost her mind this time," Topher grumbled pointing at both of us. "I've known Korey a long damn time, but this takes the cake. I just looked at her."

"Man," Frank scoffed rolling his eyes as I snickered and walked over sliding my golf bag into the under the bus storage. "You and I both know you did more than look at her. Pretty sure you had a smart ass comment to go with it."

"Just a little one," he admitted with a grumble. "She's on the warpath for some reason though. One of y'all needs to straighten her out. Even Ash told her she needed a bitch pill earlier. It's bad if she's snapping at Ashli."

"Not it," Frank said with a chuckle clapping me on my shoulder as I groaned. I rolled my eyes. "She's your wife."

"Yea but she's your sister," I argued with a sigh. It was more than likely that she was more tired than she was letting on. We'd been on the road with just a couple days at home during the week since March. When we were home she had been changing things around the house. It was now the middle of June. Korey and I were flying out next week to Nassau for a week taking a late honeymoon. Woman was going to relax if it was the last thing she did. I motioned at Topher to follow me. "Where is she?"

"Inside sorting through t-shirts," Topher grumbled as he trailed behind me and Frank inside. Woman caught an attitude with me she was about to get her ass spanked in front of the whole damn crew. "She was arguing with Ben when I left."

I headed down the hall taking a right to get closer to the front of the venue where the merch table would be. I noticed Ashli leaning against the doorway shaking her head. Fox was riding his peddle tractor around in circles to the side. I stopped at the door watching Korey a little ways away furiously going over a list in her hand while Ben was saying something to her. She would glare at him every few seconds but kept up with what she was doing. PJ was leaned against on of the t-shirt tables drumming his fingers keeping an eye on her.

"What's up with her?" I asked Ashli quietly as she turned shaking her head. Frank leaned down kissing her quickly then motioned for her to explain.

"Topher being Topher pissed her off," she said with a laugh. "But it's like she's a bitch on acid today. I love Korey to death but damn. Been going ninety to nothing last few days it seems. Cut PJ off with a snarl earlier when he told her to sit down a minute and rest. He was about to call you but Frank text me that y'all were headed back. Hence why Ben is arguing with her now. I am not sure what Chase has done now but oh boy, she threatened to catch the first flight to Montana where he is at fishing to beat his ass."

"I'll talk to her," I muttered shaking my head. She was working herself more than she should. I got this tour was a different animal from the others and we all had been busier than last year. Damn stubborn ass needed to learn to delegate some. Hadn't helped that Jeff had been off for a few weeks after catching the flu. It all had been falling on her. I walked over wrapping my arms Korey's waist burying my face in her neck. She stilled mid rant at Ben and melted against me for a moment. Kissing her neck softly, I reached for the stack of papers in her hand taking them away. "Princess let one of the guys take care of that. I need your help getting a shower before soundcheck."

"Ewww..." Ben said wrinkling his nose and rolling his eyes. Korey turned around in my arms looping hers around my neck and pulling my face down and kissing me slowly. I was so distracted by the thought of getting her alone, I didn't react quick enough when she yanked the papers out of my hand ducking out of my arms. She darted away from me looking back over her shoulder blowing me a kiss.

"I'd love to baby," she sighed focusing back on her task. "But I have got......"

"Korey Amelia Gilbert!" I growled clenching my fists making Ben dart out of the way as she turned her head locking eyes with mine a fierce scowl on her face. She raised an eyebrow at me then rolled her eyes.

"Brantley Keith Gilbert!" she snapped. "See I can do that shit too. Go get ready for soundcheck babe."

"Princess...." I warned her one more time before taking a few steps closer. "!"

"I said no!" Korey growled shaking her head checking something off on the paper in her hand. She went to whirl around to face me and stumbled. "Oh shit."

Next thing I knew her eyes had rolled back in her head and I dove catching her before she hit the floor.

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