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Korey's POV

I paused in tugging my jeans on when my phone vibrated near me. I picked it up reading the message and groaned. I typed back a quick reply before tossing it on the bed with a sigh. I knew better than to not answer. Never hear the end of it if I didn't. My little bubble I'd been living in for about the last week had been popped. Any chance we got, we were locked away together. Ben had snickered asking if we were trying to set a world record or something.

He'd walked on stage that night with a bright red ear. I felt lips press softly on the curve of my shoulder as a pair of arms slipped around me. That feeling right there, that safeness, I hope I never stopped feeling that. The connection. The chemistry. What I felt for the man wrapped around me scared me on some level that I wasn't ready to think about. I had never felt anything like this.

"Why the long face Princess?" Brantley whispered trailing slow, wet kisses up to my neck sinking his teeth in lightly. I shivered as his calloused hands traced along the smooth skin of my stomach. "More importantly, why are you even putting clothes on woman. Who said I was done with you?"

"Both of our stomachs and the need for food remember," I giggled feeling his lips turn up in a smile as I leaned into him. "But you are gonna have to be done. Since he's playing two towns over, I've been summoned by big brother."

"Annnddd....."Brantley chuckled into my ear. He kissed my cheek then dropped his arms as I turned around. I shook my head to keep myself in check as he stretched making the towel slung around his hips slip making me want to tackle him back on the rumpled bed. I am pretty PJ thought he'd blinked and we were gone when we arrived at the hotel this afternoon. Maybe we had. I'd checked us all in, slid the folder with keys to Jeff, minus mine, and let Brantley drag me upstairs. "I know you have missed him."

"I do," I admitted as I dug in my suitcase for a shirt. I looked over my shoulder at him with a smile. "Wanna go with me? He's leaving me a couple passes at the door. Could take Dumb and Dumber along for entertainment."

"If that's what you want to do Princess," he said kissing my cheek then grabbing a pair of jeans out of his suitcase stepping into them. He left them unbuttoned and walked back towards the bathroom. My stomach flipped as I watched him. How the hell had I gotten so lucky? "Text the idiots. Tell them to be ready to roll out as soon as you are finished getting ready."

"Thank you," I said walking in to kiss his cheek and typing on my phone. A smack across my ass made me yelp as I met his laughing eyes in the mirror sticking my tongue out at him.

An hour later, Brantley dropped me off to get the passes before parking in the back near the bus. I slipped the lanyard around my neck as I walked back to meet him, Chase, and Ben. I approached the truck rolling my eyes. Brantley took a drag of his cigarette then swatted Ben across the back of his head knocking his backwards hat off for trying to blow it out. I swear, boys will be boys.

"Do you three ever behave?" I said with a laugh handing them their passes. Chase grinned, Ben shrugged, and Brantley growled at me.

"Princess," he drawled with a laugh. "I am always an angel."

"Keep telling yourself that babe," I muttered patting his cheek as I rolled my eyes. I walked to the back door of the venue knocking on it. When it opened I flashed my pass at the guy who was doing his best to resemble the Hulk. He pointed down the hall to the green room for me. I was almost to the door when it came open and Frank's drummer, Jeremy, came walking out with a beer in his hand. He glanced up seeing me and a wide grin spread across his lips. He leaned his head back in the room.

"Wooooo boys!" Jeremy called out with a laugh. "Y'all ain't gonna believe what the cat dragged in!"

"Shut up!" I said with a laugh as he grabbed me in a bear hug. I clung to him for a second then kissed his cheek as he sat me on the ground. Jeremy looked behind me as he slung an arm around my shoulders. I pointed at the guys. "J, this is BG, Chase, and Ben. Guys, this is Jeremy, Frank's drummer. You and Ben over there should have a lot in common."

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