I Dare You: Part II

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The following night I was trying to keep my grin in as I stood side stage tapping my foot along to the beat of the music. Other than swapping the guys favorite ball caps out when they weren't looking, it seemed all mine had involved Brantley. I swear, if I didn't know better I would think PJ was rigging things but that just wasn't possible. I saw the lights lower and waited for my opportunity. I crept quietly over to where Brantley was leaned against the back of Ben's drum riser chugging a bottle of water as the band jammed out.

I paused behind him as he nodded his head to the beat then calmly reached into his back pocket swapping out what I was looking for. I prayed he didn't even notice. But he whirled around with wide eyes looking at me in shock. Then that damn insufferable smirk spread across his full lips and I knew I had been caught.
"Princess?" he asked with a chuckle leaning closer, so I could hear him. "Did you just grab my ass?"

"No," I huffed glaring at him. "Dream on outlaw. I have better things to do."

"Well darlin," he said giving me a wink before turning to head back on stage. "It's perfectly alright if you did."

I stalked back over to where I had been standing as he ran back out on stage with a grin for the crowd. I kept my laugh in because I knew what was coming. He walked around as he talked to the crowd then automatically reached into his back pocket to pull out his brass knuckles. I could hear the crowd laughing as he looked at the bright pink bandana attached to the flamingo pink knuckles Frank had gotten me for my birthday one year. He narrowed his eyes before shaking his head and laughing. He turned around looking back until he spotted me.

"So," he drawled. "It's like that huh? I see. These aren't my color y'all. But I can think of something I would like to see that is pink."

I flushed bright red before turning on my heel stalking away hearing his laugh following me. I was making sure the backdrop was in place for his meet and greet later when I felt a hand slip into my back pocket then tug. I stilled remembering just what I stuck in there earlier right before a pair of lips brushed against my ear.

"I believe those belong to me princess," Brantley whispered in my ear. I turned my head to glare up at him as he calmly handed me my pair back then turned to head over to PJ. I swear, I could strangle him. I didn't like the way he made me feel at all. Like a combination of being unsettled and my skin on fire. Drove me nuts. Chase had asked me the other day about having dinner one night when we got a chance. I was starting to think that is just what I needed. The next afternoon I stared at the piece of paper in my hand with wide eyes then up at the three smiling idiots in front of me.

"What did you get?" Ben asked eagerly. PJ just patiently waited on me to answer as Cole tried to read over my shoulder. We were standing in the middle of the buses as things were being setup for the night. All of the guys had easy afternoons, so no one was really out and about other than the roadies.

"NO!" I yelped shaking my head. I gave PJ a pleading look as Ben snatched the paper out of my hands reading it. He doubled over laughing. "PJ please don't make me."

"Sorry darlin," PJ chuckled. "Rules are rules."

"It's a piece of cake," Ben said giving me a reassuring smile. When he had finally stopped hitting on me we had actually grown to be pretty good friends. "Look he was up late last night writing with Brian. The keys are on the counter since he went to go get cigarettes right after we got here before crashing to get some sleep. Easy peasy."

"What keys?" Cole asked then grinned when I showed him. "Steal BG's truck keys huh. Easy enough."

"Fuck it," I said throwing my shoulders back then an evil smile spread across my lips. I fluffed my hair then headed towards Brantley's bus. "I need to run to the store anyways. Be back later boys!"

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