A Grave Mistake: Part II

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Brantley's POV

I discreetly flipped Ben the bird as I walked off stage for the look he had given me. We both laughed as I shook my head and grabbed the bottle of water that was handed me. I took a long drink looking around for Korey. Weird, normally she was close by and I didn't see her or PJ. Something must have come up that needed her attention. I was about to dig my phone out to call her when Cole and Luke came hurrying over. I had forgotten to tell Korey earlier we had plans to go grab something to eat with Luke and Caroline after my set. Luke was supposed to play tomorrow night and I knew her and Caroline would hit it off.

"Hey man," I said with a grin typing out a quick text looking for my wayward girlfriend. "Let me find Korey really quick and grab a shower then we should be good to go."

"BG," Luke said gruffly as I lifted my head meeting his concerned brown eyes. "Man, umm..."

"Luke...." I growled lowly as I noticed the paleness to Cole's face. "What the fuck is going on?"

"It's Korey," Cole said quietly commanding my full attention. "Not sure what happened but she was attacked. Caroline and Luke found her on their way into the arena."

"DO FUCKING WHAT?" I roared as my heart sank to my feet. I hit the speed dial on my phone for PJ, lifting the phone to my ear for it only to go to voicemail. "Where is she? Somebody better get to talking."

"On her way to the hospital," Luke said making me look at him. I could see he was trying to calm me down. No such luck. My entire body was vibrating with rage and fear. He laid a hand on my shoulder steering me to the direction he'd come from as I tried to wrap my mind around what he said. "Come on. I've got a car waiting. PJ, Chase, and Caroline are with her. Caroline saw her before I did as we rounded the corner and refused to leave her."

I barely remembered the ride to the hospital. I knew I couldn't stop wringing my hands the entire way. All kinds of thoughts were whirling through my mind. I briefly wondered if this was just a random thing or if I should have taken her unease more seriously. Why had she been alone? I knew PJ was keeping a closer eye on her. The car skidded to a stop at the closest hospital as I jumped out running for the entrance with Luke on my heels. He had been texting Caroline to find out where they were at. My worry was if they would actually let me see her. I had to lay eyes on her. I was supposed to have protected her and look what happened when I had been on stage. We rounded into the waiting area for the emergency room to see a pacing Caroline. She looked up seeing us and darted over into Luke's arms. I immediately felt sick as I saw the smear of blood on Caroline's blue t-shirt. She looked up at me with tearful blue eyes.

"Where is she?" I asked swallowing deeply hearing my voice shake with fear. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. Caroline laid a soft hand on my arm blinking away tears. I felt my own glisten at the look on her face.

"They took her back as soon as we got here," Caroline said quietly. "I made the split second call to not get you off stage. So don't yell at PJ for that. They weren't going to let any of us go back with her until Chase snapped that he was her brother. Poor nurse paled and let him pass. His biggest fear was her waking up and someone not being with her. She was unconscious the whole ride here. We've been waiting to hear something."

I nodded my head running a trembling hand over my face with a sigh. I finally saw PJ sitting in the corner of the deserted room with his head bowed and hands over his head. I walked over laying a hand on his shoulder making him jerk his head up. A red rimmed pair of eyes stared back up at me. I could see the wariness there at what I was going to say.

"B," he said slowly. "I should have went with her. I tried but she brushed me off saying it would take her just a minute. One of the roadies bumped into her spilling his drink on her and she ran to your dressing room to grab another shirt. Left her radio with me. Then I got pulled out to help deal with a weird guy that was trying to get backstage and more time than I realized had passed. I tried calling her only to get no answer. I was heading to look for her when Luke came running up saying Chase needed me. That's when I followed him and saw her. Her face was all beat up. She'd passed out right after Caroline found her. Bitch of a nurse wasn't going to let any of us back there with her until Chase put his foot down saying she was his sister. She's got to be okay. I checked the room out while we were waiting on an ambulance. There was no sight of anybody. Caroline had heard a door slam right before the came around the corner seeing Korey. There's no cameras in that area either."

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