I Deserved That

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Brantley's POV

I braced my elbows on the bar top in front of me taking a long pull from the beer in my hand as the party sounded around me. Why I had come I don't know. Was the last thing I was in the mood for right now. PJ was hovering in a corner keeping a close eye on me like he had been for the last six months. My ever present babysitter. Sometimes I wondered just how much longer before I effectively pushed everyone away from me again. I'd gone to the farm for a few days on our break before going back to Nashville to do some writing. Mama had been mad I didn't come home so therefore Kolby had yelled at me after she called him. I just couldn't go home. Hurt too much.

Safe to say after what I just pulled, Korey wouldn't speak to me again unless she just had to. I couldn't even muster up the will to get drunk right now. Even though I wanted to. Knew it would be the only way I could sleep tonight. Instead of the vision of Amber walking out the front door haunting me as it closed behind her, I would see the hurt look in Korey's eyes. I wished I hadn't walked away. Wished I had given her a big smile, wrapped her in my arms, then sweet talked her into skipping the party to be alone. But what did my dumbass do. I walked away. I could smell her perfume clinging to my shirt and my skin. Still could taste her on my lips. I don't know when it happened, but that little woman had burrowed her way under my thick skin.

She didn't want me because she needed me for something. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. Something I had seen time and again watching her. No, she'd want me just for me if I'd let her in. I thought kissing her had blown my mind. Didn't compare to the feel of having her come alive in my arms with her wrapped around me. I could see myself getting lost in her. Saw that I could feel something I had just thought I felt before. But I couldn't do it. Wouldn't put myself through losing someone again.

I took another long drink then felt my body topple backwards as my barstool was kicked out from underneath me. The beer bottle landed on the floor with a crash as it shattered. I looked up from the flat of my back to see Ben looming over me with murder in his eyes. For a brief second I felt my temper flare and cracked my knuckles as we stared off. Maybe that's what I needed. A good fight to inflict a little pain to take the edge off the hurt and guilt I was eat up with. Then I thought about why one of my oldest friends looked like he wanted to kill me. I mentally thanked my lucky stars we were on the other side of the world because Eli would be having to hold Ashley back from murdering me if I was at home. I slowly sat up as Ben growled at me and turned my cheek for him to deck me clenching my jaw.

"Go ahead," I said quietly. Ben reached down fisting his left hand in my shirt tugging me to my feet. My eyes never leaving his. He drew back as I spoke again. "Go ahead man. I deserve it. I know I do."

"Fucking right you do," Ben snapped venomously. "We talked about this man! Wasn't too long you warned me Korey wasn't like that. And what do you do! Fuck her and walk away."

"Take it she told you," I mumbled as Ben dropped his hand then pushed me back. I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"She didn't say anything BG. You just confirmed what I had suspected happened," he said shaking his head. PJ stepped over to make sure he didn't need to get between us narrowing his eyes at me. "But when I stalked away she was in tears man. That's not Korey. She's one of the toughest women I know. For some reason that I don't understand, she has the misfortune to be drawn to you."

"Fuck," I grimaced feeling a twist in my heart at the thought of those beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. "She needs to just forget about me. I am no good for her man. Think I just proved that. The only thing I need keeping me warm at night anymore is a damn bottle."

"That's fucking it!" PJ growled stepping closer glaring at me. I took a step back in surprise. Been a long time since PJ had been this mad at me. "Pull your head out of your ass! She's fucking gone! Get the fuck over it Boss!"

"What did you just say to me PJ?" I snarled feeling my blood pressure rise. I took a step closer to PJ.

"You heard me,'' he snapped baring his teeth at me. "I watched you lose yourself the first time. Granted you already had the problem before which is why she left then. Drug yourself out of your own personal hell. Yes, you were deliriously happy for a brief time man. Let me tell you something, she'd had that I'm gonna run look in her eyes for a while. You may not have seen it, but I did. Heard the pouting that you were always gone. So pull your head out of your ass and start living again. Because this half ass attempt at it you have been doing lately isn't fooling anyone. And for the love of God, call your damn Mama so she will stop threatening me. She knows shit isn't going well with you so might as well stop trying to hide it."

"Let me tell you this," Ben said darkly as he stepped closer. "Until you make this right, don't even bother saying anything to me unless it involves something for the show. If y'all will excuse me, I'm gonna go check on the one friend that might actually let me help."

I watched Ben stalk away through the crowd. Cole glanced over at me with wide eyes wondering just what the hell was going on I knew. PJ shook his head with a sigh.

"Welp," PJ drawled glaring at me. "You really shit the bed on this one Boss. Better fix it."

Then he walked away leaving me standing there by myself. He was right but where to begin I had no clue.

A few days later I leaned against the back wall in the venue smoking a cigarette. Mama had finally gotten me on the phone earlier today then proceeded to yell at me for twenty minutes. My excuse of the time change messing me up hadn't flown with her on why I wasn't calling. My back straightened My back straightened as I saw Korey coming down the hall all alone for once. Even if I had wanted to try and talk to her the last few days, Ben or Chase had been close by not giving me the chance. I kept trying to tell myself I didn't care, but who was I kidding.

Her dark hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing a dark pair of shades even thought she was inside. I'd overheard Ben telling Jesse earlier they'd taken her on a pub crawl last night. Seemed she'd tied a good drunk on and was feeling the aftermath today. Using her being distracted to my advantage, I stepped in front of her causing her to run into me with a squeak. I grabbed her arms to keep her from falling over. When she looked up seeing me, her mouth set in a hard line. Korey yanked her arms out of my hands trying to duck away from me. I backed her up into the wall boxing her in. Her chest heaved as she sucked in a deep breath then a growl slipped past her lips.

"Leave me the hell alone BG," she snapped. "I don't have time for your shit tonight. I have a million things to do and my damn head is pounding. So back the fuck off."

"No," I said quietly. I raised my hand to cup her cheek only to have it batted away. "Talk to me please Korey."

"Oh so it's Korey now," Korey grumbled shaking her head as a humorless chuckle slipped past her lips. "Only was Princess when you wanted to get into my pants. Well, you got what you wanted. Thanks for the ride. Now let me go so I can do my job."

"It wasn't like that," I tried to argue.

"Really?" she asked haughtily. "Sure what it seemed like. It's fine. You got off, I got off. Fair trade. If you are worried about any accidents, we are fine. Been on the pill for years. I'm clean and unless you have just went on a sex spree since your divorce then I think we are both okay. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go check make sure Cole is done with his magazine interview."

"Please talk to me," I begged softly. " I really want to apologize. IIII...."

"Don't bother," Korey said shaking her head as she ducked under my arm putting her back to me. "Just leave it alone and stay away from me."

"Princess," I murmured laying a hand on her shoulder making her shiver. Korey whirled around fist raised nailing me in the jaw as hard as she could. I rocked back on my feet almost loosing my footing. As I held my jaw, Korey got in my face and I could see tears slipping out from under her dark glasses.

"I mean it Brantley!" she yelled as a sob escaped through a trembling bottom lip. "Stay the hell away from me. You need anything for this tour, go to Jeff. I am done."

As she stormed away, I sighed in defeat. I kept screwing up six ways from Sunday when it came to her. It was probably best to just do what she asked instead of hurting her even more. Which is exactly what I would do.

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