Meeting the Princess

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Brantley's POV

I looked out the window of my bus unable to keep my laugh in as it turned up my driveway. So much for getting home, catching a nap, then making my rounds. Nope, the horde had descended on my house. Mama's car was parked front and center, Ashley's SUV right beside it, with both Kolby and Eli's bikes on either side. I couldn't say that I blamed them. I'd been avoiding being here as much as I could lately. Mama and Ashley redoing a lot of things had helped. The rest would just take time. I heard a noise behind me as I turned to see Korey walking from the back pulling her suitcase behind her.

It had taken a little convincing to get her to come. She'd already met Mama, Eli and Kolby, so that wasn't her problem. She knew that I had struggled with being at home. Told her it was no way in hell I was going two weeks without seeing her. She'd then counter offered by saying she could stay with Ben if that would help. Won't lie, she'd still been rubbing her left ass cheek walking to soundcheck that afternoon. I felt lighter pulling in than I had in a long time. Another reason it goes to show that the writing had been on the wall long before she left. Korey gave me a quick look as Earl pulled up to park. I didn't like the look or the way she was biting her lip.

"I was serious B," she said wrapping her arms around mine as she rested her chin on my bicep. "If me being here is too much at any time, tell me. I won't get offended. I'm mean this was y'all's house......"

"Baby," I said leaning down to kiss her quickly. I gave her a smile and she seemed to relax. "This was my house long before she ever stepped in it. It's not about who is living here. Mama and Ashley have redone it, so it made it easier last time I was here."

"Okay," Korey said giving me a smile. I picked up my bag tossing it over my shoulder then grabbing her suitcase. She followed me off the bus as Mama darted down the steps. I sat the bag down catching her in a big hug.

"Missed you Angel," I said quietly in her ear. Mama kissed my cheek then pulled back reaching over to hug Korey. Her eyes widened in surprise at the fierce hug then gave in to the embrace. Mama stepped back smiling at both of us.

"Good to see you again Korey honey," Mama said smiling. She was quickly pushed out of the way as whizz of blonde hair dove at me smacking my shoulder and jumping in my arms at the same time. Mama threw an arm around Korey's shoulders laughin as I gagged slightly at the tight grip around my neck.

"," I gasped as Ashley gave me a quick kiss on the cheek dropping back down on her feet. I looked around. "Where's the rest of the bunch?"

"Kolby and Eli are out back lighting the grill," Ashley said jerking her thumb back. "Of course you know where Cam is. Hunting the first place he can to get muddy. And..."

"Uncle B......." I heard yelled from the front steps as I turned around facing my goddaughter with a grin. Pink and white checked sundress, boa around her neck, one of my black hats backwards over her blonde pigtails and pair of my sunglasses that kept slipping down her nose. Tinsley stomped her little foot. Ashley rolled her eyes, Mama and Korey laughed. "You forgots me!"

I crooked my finger at her as I squatted down holding my arms open. She ran as fast as she could jumping knowing that I would catch her. I hugged her tight as her little arms wrapped around my neck. I kissed her cheek as I pulled back standing up with her in my arms.

"Tins," I said slowly as she pulled my glasses off handing them to Ashley and studied me. "I have someone I want you to meet. This is Korey. My girlfriend."

"Oh yay...." Tinsley said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms looking at me. "Another one." I sat her down on her feet. Six years old and she was a ball of attitude. She glared up at me shaking her head. Ashley was trying to keep a laugh in as Korey watched to see what would happen. "I tols you....go for a blonde this time! You're track record with brunettes sucks!"

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