Irritating Woman

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Brantley's POV

My blood was boiling as I stomped onto my bus with a wiggling, hissing, brunette over my shoulder. I had to give her props she had a colorful vocabulary. Needless to say, I had been in for a rude awakening when I had realized my truck was gone earlier. Then here comes the Princess pulling back up in it. I knew damn good and well I didn't give her the keys. They had been on the counter where I tossed them before going to get some sleep. God this woman got under my skin. I couldn't help but push her buttons any chance I could just to see her get pissy. It was like the madder she got the darker those sapphire blue eyes got.

My mind would wonder sometimes if they turned that shade when she went over the edge with an orgasm. Then I reminded myself that I was done with women and wouldn't be finding out. I stalked over to the couch sitting down heavily. As soon as I moved Korey off my shoulder she slammed her feet to the floor trying to dart away. I wrapped on hand around both of her wrists then gripped her belt with the other yanking her across my lap. Couldn't help but bite my lip at the way those snug jeans cupped her firm ass. Oh, now this, this was gonna be fun. Korey's whole body was shaking with rage as she fought me. She looked back at me with bared teeth and that dark hair floating around her face like a curtain.

"I swear to God BG," she yelled struggling against the hold I had on her. "If you do this I am calling your mama! Don't think I don't have her number!"

"Well," I snapped back glaring down at her, "my Mama might just tell you that you need this. Stealing a man's keys. Took my damn truck without asking. Copped a feel to take my favorite pair of brass knuckles last night. Damn woman, there is no telling what else you are planning."

"It was a dare!" Korey yelped. I could see her eyes welling with frustrated tears. I didn't care right now because she'd pushed me too far. I watched the last month or so as Cole and Chase would do anything she asked as long as they got a smile. Hell she had my whole band charmed as well. "You've been in on all of this to and you know it Brantley." Damn, that was the first time she had called me anything other than BG. A dark chuckle slipped out as I lifted my right hand then brought it down across her left ass cheek hard. Korey shrieked trying to fight harder. "I know you didn't you fucking caveman!"

Caveman, I thought snickering to myself swatting her again just as hard on the other cheek. Bet it had been a long time since someone had turned that pretty ass bright red. If ever since I'd heard her mention she was the baby of the family. Well the damn woman needed it. Korey let out a string of cuss words that would make a sailor blush as the door to my bus swung open making me stop mid swat to look up. PJ walked in then tugged his shades off as he focused on the scene in front of him. It was like a domino effect as the rest of my band collided behind him as they ran into his back. Well shit, we had an audience. I cocked an eyebrow at them.

"Can I help you boys?" I asked swatting Korey again making her jump shutting her up from asking for help.

"Nope," PJ says with a snicker backing up and pushing the guys out the door. "Carry on Boss." He looks back at Korey giving her a wink. "Told you that sassy ass mouth was going to get you in trouble darlin. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Korey turned her head trying to sink her teeth in my arm as the door shut earning her three more sharp pops making her scream completely forgetting about doing any damage to me. Well, until I let her go at least. What worried me was I couldn't help but feel my dick swell behind my zipper when her soft breasts pressed against my leg. Her chest was heaving from anger only making it worse. I popped her one more time then leaned over her.

"Now Princess," I murmured close to her ear noting that her silky hair smelled like strawberries. "Think you can behave or do you need ten more?"

"Fuck you!" Korey snapped flipping her hair out of the way turning those blue eyes at me as one tear slipped down her cheek. With a growl I flipped her over on her back hitting the cushions on the couch. I leaned over her tightening my grip on her wrists with both hands. Korey twisted beneath me making her shirt ride up giving me a view of smooth tan skin. Damn if my fingers didn't burn to feel just how soft it was. "Let me go!"

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