Stubborn Ass Woman: Part II

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Korey's POV

I sat on the edge of the bed in the Emergency Room glaring at my two wardens that had been sent with me. I had whirled around with the intent of giving my husband a piece of my mind. I must have spun around too fast because next thing I knew Brantley was tapping my cheek. He had been sitting on the floor with me across his lap. Relief spread across his face when I blinked my eyes sitting up.

I had let out a squeak of surprise when he hugged me tight. After second I had relaxed against him letting him hold me knowing I had scared him even though I hadn't meant to. Once his had gotten his emotions under control, I had been read the riot act that I was going to get checked out right then and there. Much to Brantley's dismay between soundcheck and VIP he wasn't able to come with me. Hence the two scowling faces across from me.

"I am fine," I grumbled crossing my arms stubbornly. My sister in law let out a snort rolling her eyes as she scrolled through her phone. PJ just glared at me from where he was propped against the wall. I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. "I am y'all! I have a million...."

"Boss Lady," PJ snapped making my eyes widen. "You are going to sit your happy ass right there and let them check you out. For all of our peace of mind. Did you even eat today?"

"Yes," I snapped knowing I was lying my ass off.

"Bullshit," PJ argued with me as I hung my head.

"You almost gave your husband a heart attack Mia," Ashli snarled at me. "After everything that happened to you last year, don't be a fucking stubborn ass Foster over this!"

"You're right," I muttered as the shy nurse came back in to check my vitals. They'd already drawn what felt like half of my blood. Thank the lord they hadn't been busy, so I'd been shown to a room quickly after Ashli informed them I had passed out. I held my arm out pursing my lips. I bared my teeth at PJ just because I was feeling bitchy as he growled back at me. Ashli snapped her fingers at me in total mom mode right now. We had left Fox with the boys. Lord help my nephew.

"The husband," the little blonde nurse said quietly with a smile. I snickered rolling my eyes hooking a thumb over at PJ.

"No," I huffed sighing. "Security."

I could see her studying me intently trying to figure out why I would warrant security. I knew my face was decently known between Brantley and Chase but with my messy bun, faded holey jeans, HDEU t-shirt I had jacked from Chase last year and flip flops, I was not winning any beauty contests. Pretty sure I had circles under my eyes that would give a raccoon a run for its money.

"I have a very over protective husband," I muttered as she finished up and noted down my vitals. I swung my legs and twisted my rings around on my finger to calm my nerves. I just wanted to get back. The guilt of scary the hell out of Brantley again was eating at me.

"That's putting it mildly," Ashli muttered with a snort rolling her eyes. The nurse gave a quiet laugh looping her stethoscope back around her neck and patting my hand.

"I'm sure he's not that bad Mrs. Gilbert,'' she said with a smile. Then it was like it clicked for her. Her eyes widened for a second then she laughed. "Oh, I get it now. Bet he is then. Y'all are so sweet together."

"Lord y'all have people fooled," Ashli laughed making my flip her off.

"My husband and I actually have tickets for tonight's show," she said. "If you passed out I know he will be glad to know what is going on."

"Give y'all's name to the big, glaring grouch over there," I told her with a grin pointing at PJ. "There will be passes waiting on you tonight when you get there. He will send Jeff a text for me since they took me phone."

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