Facing Things

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Brantley's POV

"B!" I heard Coop snap as he came running around the corner of the house. I paused mid conversation almost dropping my phone as he ran over. "It's Korey."

"I gotta go Scott," I muttered hanging up on my label president. After everything that had happened the last few months I knew he would understand. I took off running with Coop keeping pace with me. "Where is she?"

"Around back," he answered as I lengthened my stride. I got closer to the fire seeing Korey on the ground sobbing as Ben tried his best to calm her down. The haunted, terrified look in her eyes made my blood run cold. I saw it from time to time when she thought I didn't notice. Ashley was standing close by a hand over her mouth as tears slipped down her cheeks. I slowed my steps when I got closer, so I wouldn't scare Korey and sank to the ground in front of her meeting Ben's eyes.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. Ben shook his head. His face looked pale in the firelight. He was just as worried as I was.

"She jumped when I put a hand on her arm earlier," he explained. "But you know she's been doing that with everyone. I talked her through it and then the fire popped. She shut down and started shaking."

"Fuck," I muttered looking over to meet Ben's eyes over the head of my trembling girlfriend. I knew the worry in his mirrored mine. She had thrown herself back into work once she came back out on the road. Toed the line on working too hard just enough to keep any of us from fussing. Put on a sunny smile for a mask like all was okay. I knew it wasn't, but she wouldn't let me in. Had kept me close but shut me out as well. Next few weeks she had no choice but to talk to me about it. Pretty sure her not dealing with it is what she and Chase had tied into it over the last week of tour. They'd ended it not speaking to each other and neither would talk about it. And that was not like either of them at all.

"She finally broke didn't she," Ben said with a sigh. I nodded my head then slowly slid my arms around her letting her feel that it was me that had her. Realizing it was me, Korey buried her face in my neck clinging to me for dear life. She was gripping me so hard I could feel the bite of her nails through my t-shirt. I stood up with her holding her tight. Ashley laid a hand on my arm blinking back tears.

"Go take care of her," she said softly smoothing a hand over Korey's hair. "We'll make sure the fire is out."

"I'll lock everything up B," Kolby murmured clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Make sure the gates are closed once everyone is gone."

"Call me if you need anything,'' Ben said looking down at Korey rubbing a hand over his face. "Dammit B. Shit..."

"I know," I said quietly. "We should have seen this coming. I am sure she will be calling in a day or two. Call.."

"I'll call Chase," Ben answered. "This is probably what they were fighting about. He had mentioned he was worried she was pushing herself and not dealing with it all."

I nodded then turned heading into the house with Korey in my arms. Her sobs had quieted to whimpers and her knuckles were almost white from the death grip she had on me. I made my up the stairs to my room. Korey had started shivering now. Walking through my room, I headed to the bathroom tossing my hat on the dresser as I passed it.

"Princess," I said softly hearing a small whimper in reply. "I'm gonna sit you down on the counter so I can start the bath okay. You are shaking sweetheart."

A small nod as my reply as I sat her down walking over to switch the water on letting it warm up. I grabbed one of the bath bombs Korey had left her the last time she stayed. I'd smell girlie as all get out but it was worth it since they relaxed her. I turned back to her and my heart stilled in my chest. She was sitting on the counter her arms wrapped around her as her shoulders shook with silent tears. Her long dark hair was hanging around her face like a curtain. Walking over, I slipped my finger under her chin lifting her head. Watery blue eyes met mine as tears slipped down her cheeks.

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