Explain Woman....Explain

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Korey's POV

I closed the door behind Brantley hearing him whistling as he walked down the sidewalk to his truck. I turned around closing my eyes and all I could think was that smug ass man. Okay, maybe he had a little something to be smug about. My whole body was tingling, and I was starting to finally regain feeling in my toes. I heard a throat clear and my eyes snapped open. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen three women in various versions of pajamas were looking at me with wide eyes. If Kasey's jaw dropped any further it was going to drag the floor. Lainey recovered first. She put a hand on her sweatpant covered hip then shook the spatula at me as her eyes narrowed.

"Woman!" she said with a grin. "You have got some explaining to do."

"Can I have coffee first?" I asked innocently as I pushed off the door walking into the kitchen with the three of them following me. Kasey pushed me down in a chair then grabbed a mug out of the cabinet. Lainey went back to flipping pancakes as Mama Chelle sat down in the chair beside me sipping her coffee. I could feel the blush creeping up my neck and we hadn't even started his conversation.

"I wondered whose truck that was when the taxi dropped me off early this morning," Mama Chelle giving me a wink. "I just figured it was someone y'all knew that went out with y'all."

"We thought it was Ben's because of the Georgia plates," Kasey said handing me the mug of coffee shrugging her shoulders. I took a sip letting out a deep sigh. "Assumed you had wheedled your way into making them go out for a while longer."

"How long has that been going on?" Lainey asked as she added more batter to the pan. "You haven't said a word since you got back?"

"Ladies," Mama Chelle said squeezing my hand making me look over at her with wide eyes as she smirked at me. "Y'all observe closely. That....now that was all man. You can bank he knows what he's doing unlike those prissy ones you three normally find close to your age or younger. I don't even need my coffee after seeing him shirtless. I'm wide awake."

"Oh my god," I squeaked covering my face with my free hand pulling my leg up to prop against the table. I jumped when Kasey leaned over tapping my knee.

"Love the hairdo Kor," Kasey said as I peeked through my fingers at her. "And is that a bite mark I see where your shorts have ridden up."

"Shut up," I whispered wondering if could turn any redder. "Please?"

"Nope," Lainey yelled as she dug in the cabinet for the syrup before coming to the table with it and the platter of pancakes and bacon. "I need a number."

"Number?" Mama Chelle asked giving Lainey a weird look as Kasey cracked laughing. Lainey made a motion with her hand for me to hurry up. I sat my coffee down burying my face in my crossed arms over my knee. Was nothing sacred with these two? Wait...nope. No, it was not.

"Well?" Kasey demanded, and I held my thumb up on my right hand. "One that's it! I mean...." She grew quiet when I followed it up with all five fingers on my left hand. "SIX! Six times woman! How are you walking?"

"Orgasms," I muttered quietly as I lifted my head. Lainey almost fell out of her chair.

"But y'all had sex right?" Kasey asked with wide eyes Lainey recovered from her shock and reached over to close her Mama's mouth.

"Nope," I said biting my lip blushing profusely. "He's quite talented with his hands.....and mouth."

"Nah...." Mama Chelle said shaking her head in disbelief. "No way. Uh uh. Just noooo...."

"Mama....." Lainey drawled with a snicker then dug in her pocket for her phone. She typed in something, grinned as she found it, then turned the screen for her mother to see.

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