I Dare You: Part I

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Korey's POV

I rubbed a hand across the back of my neck as I made my way to my bus. I was looking forward to a hot shower then locking myself in the back with a book. I'd been early checking emails and getting a few interviews lined up for when we hit London. Then I'd been waving a cup of coffee under a hunger over Cole's nose to fully wake up before heading in to do an interview. Ashli had laughed when she'd called about lunchtime today to check on me. She'd asked how things were going and all I could say it was like being a mother hen to a bunch of chicks.

After this evening I was tempted to tell her one said chick was ornerier than the others. I was gonna deck him the next time he called me princess. I could hear laughter coming from where everyone was gathered around a fire Chase had been telling me about earlier. They could have fun. I was too tired tonight. I was almost to my bus when a voice stopped me making me groan under my breath.

"Oh no mam," Cole said with a laugh as he walked closer with a grin. "Don't think you are ducking out on us."

"I'm tired Cole," I whined shaking my head. "Been a long ass day."

"All the more reason you need a beer and some downtime Korey," he said studying me before shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "Sorry if I was pretty grouchy this morning. Carter and I drank a few too many beers last night."

"It's ok Cole," I said giving his arm a quick squeeze. "Trust me, you were not the biggest grouch I have dealt with today. So no worries."

"Yea," Cole said with a chuckle. "I heard. Cut him a little slack darlin. Been a rough go of it lately for him."

"I guess," I muttered shrugging before opening the bus door. "Let me get a shower and into some warmer clothes. Then I will come hang for a little while. Someone better wake me up though if fall asleep."

I headed inside to grab a quick shower before trading my jeans and t-shirt for a hoodie and baggy sweatpants. I made my way over to the fire and of course the only empty chair just happened to be in the middle of Chase and Cole. Oh well, I knew PJ was close by. All it would take is a glare from him. They'd behave. I raised my middle finger up in the air making them all laugh as I got a booed over the LSU hoodie I was sporting in the middle of all these Georgia boys.

I gave them both a quick smile as I sat down then caught the beer Cole's drummer tossed me. I cracked it open taking a sip as I listened to the guys talk around me. Kerri was curled up in a chair typing away on her phone. I swore it was attached to her hand. I couldn't deny that I was getting a little homesick. But the way the dates stretched the next three weeks we would constantly be on the road. Then there were a few days off before we headed to Europe. I reminded myself to FaceTime Ashli tomorrow so I could talk to Fox. I missed the little man.

"Oh come on," Chase said with a laugh pulling me from my thoughts. "You in Cole or are you chicken shit?"

"I am not chicken," Cole said shaking his head leaning around me with a smirk. "You are on brother."

"Shit," Ben called from the other side of the fire. I looked over to see the mischievous grin on his face. "Count me in. We need something to pass the next few weeks."

"PJ!" Chase called out pulling PJ from the conversation he, Jesse, and Brantley were having. "We name you official score keeper. Everyone playing will write down a couple ideas then put them in a box that only you are in charge of that we draw out of."

"Wait?" I asked kicking Cole lightly to get his attention. "What did I miss?"

"It's always a running joke on tours that there is usually pranks right," Cole said with a laugh as I nodded my head. Still don't think Topher had forgiven me for the time I glued his beer bottle to his hand after he passed out. "Well Chase proposed doing dares this time."

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