Anybody Gonna Break It Up

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Korey's POV

I was taking a sip of the Crown and Coke Chase had gotten me when Brantley walked up messing with him. Damn caveman. Ben walked up poking my side making me jump before he draped an arm around me. I felt Ben tense up and turned my head. I saw the slutty brunette practically trying to dry hump Brantley. My vision clouded over with red. Brantley was trying to politely side step her as she pretty much ran her tongue into his ear. He glanced over at me with wide eyes as I stepped closer thankful that the heels Chase had talked me into made me a lot taller. Because this bitch had some sky scraper hooker heels going on. They would have been more appropriate in a strip club, not at an awards show afterparty. Then she moved a hand with talon like fingers nails around to his belt. A low growl slipped past my lips. Just who did this bitch think she was.

"If you were a smart woman," I growled lowly as her eyes narrowed at me. "You would notice that the man doesn't want anything to do with you."

"Oh cupcake," Jana said with a sickeningly sweet voice. Her over done lips twisted up into a smirk as she reached over to pat my cheek. "Run along honey. Grown folks are talking."

"Princess..." Brantley warned lowly as I cut my glare over to him. If he thought I was gonna let her get away with putting her hands on MY boyfriend, he had another thing coming. Brantley was about to learn us Louisiana girls were a special brand of crazy when we needed to be. Jana's eyes cut back between me and him and a look of disbelief came across her face.

"Princess," she hissed rolling her eyes. "Really Brantley? Did we hit up the nursery school this go around? She barely looks old enough to have a drink in her hand? Never knew robbing the cradle was your style."

"Fuck...." Chase murmured. "Not good. So not good."

"Excuse me," I snarled stepping closer almost in Jana's face. "Might want to get your refund on the plastic surgery Jana. Looking a little over the hill. Oh my! Is that a gray hair I see?"

"Kor," Chase said wrapping a hand around my bicep. "This is not the place for this."

I shook him off with a snarl.

"That's right Princess...." Jana snipped pushing a hand into my shoulder. At least she had taken her hands off of Brantley. "You couldn't hang with a man like him even if you wanted. He would tire of you very quickly little girl. He has shall we put this....certain needs. You'd run screaming into the night."

"Already put her over his knee once and she's still standing," Ben muttered under his breath. I barely heard it I was so fuming mad. I'd deal with him later.

"Wait...wait," Jana gasped covering her bared cleavage with her hand. "She wasn't the reason for the divorce was she? You know, I had heard rumors...."

"Not that it's any of your business," Brantley snarled making Jana turn to look at him with wide eyes. "But no."

"Pity," Jana shrugged. "Would have made for a more interesting story." Then she snapped her fingers as she fixed me with an evil smile. "Wait a minute didn't I see you earlier on the carpet with Chase. You fucking them both? If you are sister then props to you."

"That's it!" I snapped swinging my left fist catching Jana across her jaw. I wasn't satisfied with the crunch I heard and drew back to nail her again. She'd stumbled back holding her cheek screaming. I got half a step before a band of iron looped around my waist pulling me back. I struggled to get loose. It was one thing to insult my age. I was well aware of the seven-year age difference between us. Not that it mattered but to pretty much call me a whore was another. I'm not the one who was trying to feel up on their ex-fiancé's junk while married to another man.

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