Most Frustrating Man Ever

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Korey's POV

I turned down the volume on my walkie talkie as I strode through the winding back corridors of the venue of the night. We'd been on the road for three weeks and I was proud to say I had gotten into the swing of things. Yea, the boys flirted some but they had kept it pretty harmless. Helped that if they crowded me too much then PJ would walk by giving them a look or a growl. Other than a brief introduction, I really hadn't had to deal with Brantley too much. He was keeping to himself or holed up with the guys writing. Can't say I blamed the poor guy. From what I read it had been a pretty rough year for him. Every once in a while you could catch him staring off into space before he locked the hurt look in his eyes down and buried it. I was in the middle of texting Frank back when a roadie ran up to me like the hounds of hell were after him.

"Korey," he said and I could see the pale look on his face. Shit, I thought what had happened now. "Umm.... we can't find BG."

"What do you mean you can't find BG?" I said closing my eyes counting to five before they flew open. "He's got VIP in 10 minutes. Explain to me Trevor how the hell you lose Brantley Freaking Gilbert! I bet I could got out there and snag a pack of fan girls that could sniff him out in a heartbeat! Where's PJ?"

"Briefing the new security guy, the promoters hired," Trevor murmured shrinking back a little. Chicken shit. He was easily six foot and towered over my short tail.

"Fine," I snapped shaking my head my dark braid swinging from side to side. "I'll handle this. Go make sure Jesse is ready to go and stuff is set up." I stalked through the halls and pulled up PJ's number as I walked. I let out a sigh of relief when he answered.

"Boss Lady," PJ drawled with a chuckle. "To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to hear your sweet voice."

"We can't find BG," I growled feeling my temper rise as I almost made it to the back door of the venue my credentials swinging with each step I took. I was going to skin his ass alive.

"Dammit to hell," PJ grumbled then I heard a sigh from him. "He's on the bus I am betting good money on it darlin. Give me five minutes and I will handle it. Probably best if I do it. Boss has been in a bit of a mood lately."

"No," I snapped as I shoved the door open with a bang heading into the chilly night air. We were in Indiana I think. "I'll go drag his sorry ass off the bus. He doesn't scare me PJ. I think I can handle six feet of grouchy biker thank you very much."

"Yes mam," he said with a booming laugh. "If you say so. Swear darlin you are too sassy for your own good sometimes. Gonna get you in trouble one day. If he won't answer the code is 4462 to unlock the door. Don't kill him sweetheart."

"Not making any promises," I warned as I got closer to the big black bus and hung up the phone. I slid it into the back pocket of my jeans before raising my hand to pound on the door. I listened for a minute not hearing anything before I pounded again and looked at my watch. Fuck this. I keyed the number in PJ had given me then yanked the door open stomping inside. It was quiet and cool. I could feel my blood pressure rising and wasn't able to keep in the growl that passed my lips at the shot glass with a bottle of Jack sitting on the table. Dammit, I thought pinching the bridge of my nose while tapping my foot.

Where the hell could he be? I was reaching for my phone to call PJ when footsteps made me look up. My jaw dropped on its on at the sight before me as Brantley walked from the back wearing his jeans, boots, and backwards hat carrying a gray t-shirt in his hand. I didn't have to get any closer to tell that he'd just gotten out of the shower because I could smell his cologne and body wash from here. Dammit if it didn't make my mouth water. That or it could be all the delicious muscles and ink that were on full display before me. He paused mid step quirking an eyebrow at me in question.

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