Take A Walk on the Red Carpet

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Chase's POV

I climbed out of the SUV straightening the jacket I had on with a baby blue shirt and dressy jeans. I waved at the crowd then turned to hold a hand out for Korey helping her climb down. When she had walked downstairs earlier even my jaw had dropped. The pantsuit fit her every curve nicely and the heels where the perfect touch to make her legs look even longer. Oh yea, BG's ass owed me. Her dark hair had been curled and left to float around her shoulders. I had laughed when the hairstylist had told her that the necklace she was wearing didn't quite go with the outfit. Korey had bared her teeth telling her to go get fucked because it wasn't coming off. I had no doubt after realizing the sparkling pendant on the delicate chain was a crown of just who the necklace had come from.

As we made our way down the carpet, I held my arm out for Korey to hang on to as we walked. We paused to take a photo in front of the CMT back drop. We'd tried to keep a little distance between the two of us, but the grinning photographer motioned for Korey to step closer. I swear the energetic lady was trying to get me killed and she had no clue. Draping my arm around Korey I couldn't help but brush against bare skin because of the back of the outfit. The moment my hand settled lightly on her curved hip I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck knowing I was getting a stare down. Sure enough, I could see BG out of the corner of my eye acting like he wasn't looking this way.

"This lady is gonna get me shot," I muttered through clenched keeping my smile in place. Korey's chest heaved as she tried to keep a laugh in. I glared down at her quickly before looking back up and smiling again. We stepped away and Korey lost it in a fit of laughter. I poked her shoulder shaking my head. "You like watching me squirm don't you."

She looked down the red carpet where Brantley was just getting started. I recognized his buddy Justin, a veteran he'd gotten to know pretty well, with him. He'd come out to a few shows at the start of the tour and the man thrived on giving BG hell making all of us laugh. Korey bit her red painted lips then shrugged.

"He's got dark sunglasses on," she scoffed quietly. "You're just being paranoid. Keep egging him on Chase and you are gonna get my ass spanked.....again."

"The hell I am," I hissed under my breath as Bobby Bones flagged me over with a grin. "Something tells me that you would like this one." I guided Korey over by her elbow then shook his hand. We discussed the tour and what the upcoming single would be. He then turned his attention to Korey. Uh oh.

"So Chase," he said with a wide grin. "I can't place it but this beautiful lady looks familiar."

"This is Korey Foster," I said giving her a wink. "She's a good friend of mine. She's actually one of our tour managers on this tour."

"That's right," Bobby said snapping his fingers. "I've seen some pictures of her on your Instagram. Got to ask, any hidden romance going on there?"

"No man," I said shaking my head quickly. I swore I could hear a growl from twenty feet away. Maybe I was imagining things. "Friends is all we are. I had to beg her to come with me tonight as a favor."

Brantley's POV

I made my way down the carpet taking photos and waving at the crowd. My eyes never strayed too far from Chase and the absolute knockout at his side. I wanted more than anything to walk down there and push him out of the way wrapping my arms around Korey. She looked absolutely stunning. Thankfully I had my sunglasses on so I was able to hide my wandering eyes from everyone else. I had stopped to sign a couple of autographs then walked back over to Justin who was snickering at me.

"What?" I growled under my breath as I grinned.

"Oh I don't know," Justin said lowly. "Could be that you almost tripped over your boots when your eyes landed on a certain brunette beauty that has you all tangled up in knots."

"Don't know what you are talking about," I grumbled as we paused in front of the CMT logo.

"Please," Justin scoffed shaking his head. "You are so damn smitten man it's not even funny. Explain to me why she's here on his arm and not yours?"

"Because," I said watching Korey laugh at something Chase was saying. "We finally stopped arguing and he'd already asked her as a favor. They are good friends man you know that. Ain't gonna lie, it's taking all I have to keep from walking down there and scooping her up. But we've barely had that discussion of what things are between us."

"Duh," Justin said rolling his eyes. "You're falling head over heels for her. And that scares the hell out of you man. I get that. You got burned and burned bad. But living in the past hasn't and didn't do you any good. I can't tell you how many times I've heard you bitch about just how damn infuriating she can be. Princess don't take your shit. I love it!"

"Laugh it up asshole," I said with a chuckle. I heard my name being called. I looked over to see Cole motioning for me as Chase walked over. I glanced over at him as I got closer.

"Uh uh BG," he muttered so only he and I could hear. "Don't give me that look. I am behaving." He gave me a quick wink. "May wanna check out those shoes though." I whipped my head around and my eyes zeroed in on Korey standing to the side laughing at something Kerri was saying. I saw the sexy ass pair of heels on her feet and couldn't help it I groaned lowly thinking about her in nothing but those. Preferably with those legs wrapped around my waist. Chase clapped me on the shoulder. "You're welcome."

The photographer waved the three of us over to take a photo as I shook my head. Cole grinned then gave the female reporter he had been talking to a wink.

"Korey!" he called out as she turned looking over at him. "Come here. We need one with you too." Korey walked over giving him a look like what are you up to. "Macy, this Korey Foster our tour manger. She's the one that keeps all of our crazy asses in line."

"Got the crazy right," Korey said with a snicker and stepped automatically between me and Chase slipping an arm around both of our waists to smile at the camera. I eased my hand down since her back wasn't visible to everyone resting it on the curve of her ass. Chase snickered shaking his head knowing damn good and well what I was up to. After the picture, Korey stepped away smiling heading back to Kerri as we all finished up. I made my way into the arena with Justin cracking on me as we walked and talked.

Later that evening after the show, I made my way into the after party after telling Justin bye. I knew he would be out to a show soon. I eased through the crowd clapping a hand on Thomas's shoulder then kissing Lauren on the cheek with a wink as I finally spotted Chase through the crowd. I strode closer and crossed my arms over my chest fixing a glare on my face just to mess with him.

"Alright jackass," I growled making his head swirl around as Korey's eyed widened. I gave them both a wink. "You can hand over my girlfriend now." Korey rolled her eyes as Chase started laughing as she took the drink he was handing her then turned to elbow Ben who had just walked up draping an arm over her shoulders. I was about to say something else when I felt a slim hand stroke across my ass before taking a firm grip. My entire body went rigid when I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

"Mmmm....you know outlaw," the voice whispered. One I had no desire to be this close to me again. "You're divorced....I'm separated......how about a round for old times sake? Scratch an itch if you will? Haven't forgotten just how good you are with your hands."

"Oh shit," Chase muttered making Korey turn herattention back to me. Her jaw dropped as a pair of breasts pressed further into my arm and the hand on my ass slid around to grip my belt. Her beautiful blue eyes narrowed dangerously. Oh shit was right was all I could think.

I mean....Korey is going to completely keep her cool. Right????

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