Where I Go When I Drink

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Korey's POV

I propped my chin on my left palm as I played with the label on my beer bottle with the other. We'd landed a few hours ago here in Los Angeles from Ireland after spending two weeks playing there, Scotland, and England. Two shows here in LA then back to Nashville for CMA Fest. I at least had most of the week off then. I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Thankfully Brantley had kept his distance from me after I punched him. Helped that Chase or Ben was usually never too far from me so that helped. I'd been avoiding calling home to talk to Ashli.

I knew I was in for a beat down when I made it back to Nashville. She would read me like a book knowing something was going on. Then she would tell Frank, who would in turn tell Mama. He'd really yell at how much drinking I had been doing lately. Ben had fussed at me earlier today which is why I had snuck down to the quiet hotel bar all on my own. I gave the bartender a quick smile as he sat the shot of whiskey down in front of me. I toasted him then tossed it back wincing against the burn. I froze when I heard a voice behind me.

"Didn't Grandaddy Mac tell you it's no fun to drink whiskey alone baby sis?" a deep voice asked as they dropped down on the stool beside me. I turned with wide eyes to see my brother sitting there giving me a look. Frank flagged the bartender down for a beer before turning to hold his arms out for me. I leaned over wrapping my arms around his waist breathing in his familiar smell as my eyes watered. I buried my face in his chest as he hugged me tight my eyes welling with tears. "What's got you blue Mia?"

I sniffled at hearing him using the shortening of my middle name Amelia. He was the only one that was allowed to call me that. I pulled back wiping at my eyes shaking my head.

"What if I am not ready to talk about it?" I asked reaching for my beer as the bartender handed Frank's to him. I heard a low growl as I cut my eyes over at my brother who was now glowering at me.

"I'd say you have until you get back to Nashville," Frank warned. "I took a detour flight and layover on my way to Denver just so I could put my wife at ease that her sister in law was just fine. You've shut Ash out so I know that's something is wrong. Talk to me Mia. Whose ass do I need to beat?"

"No one's," I grumbled then gave him an evil smirk thinking about my fist plowing into Brantley's jaw. "I took care of it."

"Dammit Korey Amelia," Frank growled. I turned a fiery glare his way. "Explain."

"No," I argued as tears welled in my eyes. "I'm not ready and don't want to. I promise I will when I am. I thought there was a chance something might be there. But I was proved wrong okay. Let me work through it first please. I really don't want to spend what little time I have with you fighting."

"Fine," he grumbled shaking his head not accepting my answer but not wanting to fight with me either. "Well I know it's not Chase or BG's drummer Ben since you send Ashli selfies with them all the time. I didn't see any bodily damage. Cole seems too sweet for you. BG has got enough on his plate and they all are too damn old for you anyways."

"Jesus Frank," I said choking on a sip of beer rolling my eyes at him. "I'm almost twenty-six. Not twelve you dumbass. You were always overprotective but damn. It got worse after all that shit with Ethan."

"That cocksucking bastard," Frank rumbled deeply then snickered. "Stopped by to see Mama and Daddy last week on our way through to Texas. He was getting gas when I climbed off the bus to go in and get a drink. Jumped in his little prissy ass truck so fast he left the gas nozzle in and yanked it off. Sherriff paid him a visit."

"Yea well," I said with a laugh. "He actually checks the parking lot of Walmart to make sure Wade is nowhere in the vicinity when he's on days off. He was always terrified of y'all but that beating he got only made it worse."

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