Get to Planning Woman.....

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Brantley's POV

I heard my favorite laugh in the world as I looked up seeing Korey walk outside laughing at something Ashli was telling her. We had spent yesterday getting the last few things of hers packed up and I had them shipped down to the house in GA. We were both headed to the farm once we left Nashville in a few days. Korey had spent the day shopping with Ashli while I had been at the label wrapping up some details for the next year that I couldn't wait to tell her about. She'd had a brief meltdown over worrying about next year and planning a wedding. I had gotten smacked when I told her just hand me my phone and I would book two tickets to Las Vegas and we could get this over with. I wanted her to have the wedding she wanted. Had already told her tell me when and where to show up. All I wanted was the end result of calling her my wife. I'd come out to Frank's once I was done and had been sitting around the fire pit with him waiting on the girls to get back.

"Well baby sister," Wade drawled from where he was sprawled out in his chair making Korey's eyes light up. "Gonna show big brother your new hardware?"

"Ass," Korey said with a laugh before tackling her oldest brother almost knocking him out of his chair. "What are you doing here?"

"Had to catch out of Mobile this time so I thought I'd fly up to see you and Frank before I did," he said as Korey tugged the end of his salt and pepper goatee making him look up at her. She narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"How long you going to be gone this time?" she asked shaking her head. Couldn't fool her.

"Two months this time," Wade told her with a wink as she narrowed her eyes. "Don't give me that look Mia. It won't be longer than that. So as soon as you figure out a wedding date little sister let me know. Have to make sure this rig gets where it's going and up and running. Hell, got to pay for college for Will some way."

"Yea well," Korey grumbled rolling her eyes. "I may have grown up with it but don't mean I have to like it." She held her hand up for Wade to see and laughed when he tugged her hand closer looking at her ring and letting out a low whistle.

"Damn Mia," Wade said with a chuckle. "You could blind somebody with that thing."

"That was the point," I called out with a laugh. "Don't need anyone doubting she is taken."

"Like anyone would challenge your scary ass," Wade said with a snicker then yelped when Korey smacked him upside the head as she climbed out of his lap. I laughed flipping him off as she walked over to me and leaned down pressing her lips to mine.

"Hey beautiful," I murmured against her lips then tugged her down into my lap. Korey leaned back on my chest listening as Frank gave Wade hell about something that had happened a couple years ago.

"Gonna tell him," Ashli piped up with a grin.

"Tell me what?" I whispered nuzzling the side of Korey's neck with a smile.

"I found a dress," she said softly turning around to look at me.

"Did you now?" I asked as a wide grin spread across my face. "There's one step."

"Figured out a location too," Ashli said as she leaned back against Frank. Korey snapped her fingers shaking her head no. "Oh come on Kor, you know he will love it."

"Princess," I said with a chuckle tightening my arms around her. "I have already told you as long as it ends in you saying "I Do" everything else is up to you. That and wearing pink. I love you more than life itself baby but just no."

"Oh come on BG!" Frank taunted with a snicker as I flipped him off making Wade crack up. "The color would make your eyes pop!"

"Fuck you Frank," I said rolling my eyes. I turned my attention back to Korey. "So where did you have in mind baby?"

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