Damn Cavemen!

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Korey's POV

I had been running around like a maniac the rest of the day. After not getting a lot of sleep last night, I was running on exhausted. Didn't have time to slow down though. If one thing could go wrong, then all of them had. I had been making sure a problem with the lighting had been fixed, found a lost box of t-shirts, chewed ass because the caters had been late. That wouldn't have been that big of a deal if we'd had the buses here but since the next stop was Nashville, they weren't here. I was so ready to crash that the Monster I had chugged earlier wasn't even touching it.

I had sat down on a stool briefly during Chase's set closing my eyes. Next thing I knew, I had almost toppled over sideways because I had fallen asleep. Chase was walking off stage and darted forward to catch me. He'd taken one look at me and glared. I reassured him I was fine and just needed to sit down for a few minutes. Didn't he see. I worried a little less and didn't have to think about things if I was super busy. I was already facing a grand inquisition once I touched back down in Nashville. I hadn't seen Brantley again but I knew he was spending time with his family which he definitely needed.

Pushing up to my feet, I headed out to finish what I had started earlier. Everything would be packed up to ship out tonight and everyone's flights were lined up for late tomorrow afternoon. I was scrolling through the next month's schedule adding somethings when a figure stepped in front of me. I looked up to see Chase and PJ staring down at me. I could hear the start of Brantley's set and wondered what they were up to. Chase snatched my iPad out of my hand making me growl. He stopped me with a glare.

"You are done for the night Kor," he told me firmly. My jaw dropped as PJ nodded his head. Arghhhh!!! What was it with the men in my life thinking I needed a freaking caveman to tell me what to do! Thank my lucky stars Ben was on stage or I would be battling him too.

"The hell I am!" I snapped shaking my head. I went to push PJ away when he unhooked my walkie talkie and switched it off.

"Yes you are," PJ warned. "Jeff is taking over the rest of everything. You are gonna sit down, eat, and rest."

"No...." I started before I was interrupted.

"Yes," PJ countered leaning over me. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "I mean if you want Princess, I can go pull Boss off stage and tell him you are being sassy."

"I'd like to see you......" I yelled pushing up on my tiptoes. I was cut off when Chase pushed a half of a sub sandwich in my mouth.

"Nope," he said with a laugh as I was forced to chew the food. "Not necessary. I don't feel like finding her a pillow to sit on tonight." He wrapped an arm around my waist tugging me with him. He pushed me down on a stool near the stage before handing me a drink as I chewed the sandwich glaring at him. "I was right. You didn't slow down long enough to eat today." I hung my head guiltily. "Dammit Kor! Did you get any sleep last night?" I shrugged my shoulders in answer. "No, I know you didn't. You were up and down making sure he was okay."

"How did you know?" I asked softly as Chase gave me a wry smile then wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Ben told me what he knew," he said. "Try and get some rest tonight okay."

I nodded then finished eating my sandwich so my self-appointed wardens would be appeased. I couldn't deny that the last few weeks, let alone the last twenty-four hours had been an emotional roller coaster. Only time I had slept peacefully was when I had been drunk. Which was something that Ben and I had argued about after we landed in LA. I sipped my drink as I watched Brantley's set. I couldn't help but laugh when he pulled his Mama out on stage to sing "Hell on an Angel" to her. She had thrown her head back laughing when he'd spun her around dipping her backwards.

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