Almost I Do

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Brantley's POV

I slumped down a little further in my chair around the bonfire Wade and Frank had built earlier. Glancing to my right I could look over to see the white tents set up for tomorrow glowing in the moonlight. The what felt like a bazillion white lights we had spent all morning getting put up twinkling like fireflies. But Korey had had the biggest smile on her face earlier when they were turned on before we did a quick rehearsal. Me, I could have just skipped all the hoopla tomorrow and let this tonight have been the ceremony. Pretty sure I would have gotten kicked in the balls for even suggesting it. What Princess wanted she was gonna get.

An evil smile curled on my lips thinking about the fact I wasn't the one she convinced to wear pink. Eli tossed me a Coke from one of the ice chests near us as he sat back down. I tuned out an argument between Kolby and Wade over college baseball this season. I realized it would never be pretty around our house from now on when my Dawgs played her Tigers in anything. Eli cracked open his beer and then he choked mid sip spitting it everywhere. Wade looked up then started laughing so hard he toppled backwards out of his chair as Frank's jaw dropped.

Looking up my jaw hung in disbelief at the sight heading towards us. Frank was frantically pulling his phone out to take pictures as I cracked up. So, this is what those three morons had been up to. I knew that earlier when the guys and girls had separated they had disappeared. Dad and Pete had taken all the kids to Wade's house to hang out. Lord it was no telling what Tinsley would talk Pop Keith into doing for her. Ben stumbled closer grabbing the jar of moonshine Kolby had cracked open earlier and turned the jar up. Topher looked like he was shell-shocked as he blindly reached for the beer Kolby passed him as he held his sides. Chase turned the bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand up making the bottle bubble. When he lowered it, I saw the bright pink on his fingernails. His lips were almost the same color. I glanced around at the other two noticing theirs were the same.

"What the fuck happened to y'all?" PJ chuckled puffing on the cigar he had in his hand.

"Those women..." Topher growled shaking his head with a full body shudder.

"Is that toilet paper?" Wade asked wiping his eyes. "That why I had to pick up a couple packs today. And dammit if the sheriff didn't just happen to be behind me in line. I mean just because I rolled a few houses back in the day."

"Apparently," Chase grumbled reaching down to yank toilet paper off him and tossing it in the fire. "It is a game that you pair off and make a dress out of toilet paper. Then you do a fashion show to judge whose is best."

"How'd the girls do?" Eli asked trying to keep a laugh in as all three of their eyes narrowed. I quickly could see how this had played out.

"They made us be the models," Ben grumbled taking another swig of moonshine shuddering. There were mini white bows in a row up and down his mohawk. Topher had a bow tied around his head and Chase had what I assumed was a crown on his head. I knew right then Korey had "dressed" him.

"Korey pouted at y'all to cave, didn't she?" I asked arching an eyebrow at him. Ben and Chase both sighed nodding their heads.

"Ashley and Ashli threatened to remove my balls," Topher grumbled glaring at Frank and Eli. "Those two are ruthless."

Ben turned around as Frank snapped another picture that I knew he would be sending to me to text to the rest of the band. He had a big white bowed artfully tied over his ass. He pointed at it, looked over his shoulder and pursed his pink lips out.

"This bow make my ass look fat?" he whined. "Korey assured me it didn't."

Korey's POV

The edge of my bed dipping pulled me from the light sleep I had finally fallen into a few hours ago. I hadn't been able to sleep because I was excited about today and then the fact that I'd slept alone. When everyone had settled in for the night last night I'd been heading towards my room after checking one last thing. Brantley right behind me until Mama Becky had snagged his ear pointing towards the front door with smirk. Mama had been laughing right along with her. Pointing towards the side of the yard where his bus was parked telling him to have fun spending the night with Kolby and PJ. That we were at least going to keep one wedding tradition.

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