Adventures in Shopping

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Korey's POV

I climbed off my bus slipping my shades on then checking to make sure I had everything I needed in my purse. I actually had today off since we arrived at the venue early for a three-night run. That was the upside to the back to back shows like that since I didn't have to be in such a hurry. Jeff had taken over for the day so I decided to sneak off to do a little shopping. Brantley had gone to play golf. I had laughed about it when he'd called to tell me earlier. I could see him shooting that little white ball before I could imagine him hitting it. While we spent time together, things hadn't really progressed too far and to be quite honest it was driving me crazy.

Not that I was going unsatisfied by any means, but I wanted more. I felt like doing a little shopping to be prepared for when it did. Hell I just may force the outlaw's hand. I had checked with Jeff to make sure I had the keys to one of the rented SUV's we used. I was just waiting on him to bring them to me. I heard footsteps approaching and saw PJ walking to me swinging a set of keys around his fingers whistling.

"Ready to go Boss Lady?" he asked giving me a smile. PJ say what????

"Huh?' I asked with a squeak. "I was going by myself PJ."

"No mam," he argued glaring down at me. Great....just great. "Big city and your tiny ass would get lost."

"Shouldn't you be chasing around an outlaw who fancies himself Tiger Woods?" I grumbled as PJ opened the passenger door for me with a smirk. "I'm not helpless you know."

"Nah," he chuckled. "Cole is with him so not too much trouble they could get into. Plus, it was strongly suggested I tag along with you."

I growled under my breath. Damn caveman. Be lucky if I didn't nail him with one of his golf clubs when he got back.

"Wait up!" a voice called out and I closed my eyes counting to ten. Can't a woman go shop for lingerie without every man she knew tagging along. Other than buying what I thought was cute when it came to underwear, I'd never really put any thought or effort into it before. I opened my eyes as Ben and Chase both hopped in the backseat.

"Heard you were headed to the mall Kor," Chase said leaning in the front to kiss my cheek. Kiss ass. "I need a couple shirts."

"And I am out of cologne," Ben chimed in slamming his door.

"Heaven forbid we have to smell your ass," PJ grumbled putting the SUV in gear as I started laughing. Later I had trailed Ben and Chase around the huge mall, listened to all kinds of comments on girls in short ass shorts. I couldn't find a way to ditch them. I heard a loud giggle behind us and turned around to see both guys paused and grinning over at a group of girls on the other side of the mall. I rolled my eyes then doubled back to smack both of them in their shoulders pulling their attention to me.

"Trust me," I warned shaking a finger at them. "That bunch had jailbait written all over it. You will thank me later. Now let's go find PJ so we can go."

"But you haven't bought the first thing Kor," Ben argued looking down at me.

"I'm fine," I said trying to brush him off. "Not in the mood to shop now. Think I will go back and take a nap. Maybe read a little. I have a busy as hell afternoon tomorrow making sure you morons are ready to go."

"No seriously Korey," Chase said shaking his head. "We have dragged you all over and got your opinions on some of the stuff we bought. Lead the way."

"No," I stuttered shaking my head turning bright red. "I'm good."

"Geez Kor," Ben snickered wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "If it's underwear you need to shop for we are guys we've seen it all. Come on."

"Ummm......." I muttered willing the tile floor of the mall to swallow me up. Chase gave me a smile in understanding.

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