I Do

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Brantley's POV

I tapped my foot enough standing at the end of the aisle that Eli had to lay a hand on my shoulder making me stop. Kolby held in a laugh on the other side of him with a snicker. I straightened the cuffs on the dark gray dress shirt I had on with a dark pair of jeans. Korey had decided on the same outfit for the rest of the guys just with a black shirt. Had muttered something about it looking good against the pink dresses the girls had decided on when it came time for pictures.

"Bro," he said leaning around Eli rolling his eyes as Ben tried to keep his booming laugh in. "Calm down before you pass the fuck out." He winced as the preacher standing beside us cleared his throat making me grin. Hearing the music start all our eyes turned to the end of the aisle at the back of the white tent we were under. Korey and I both had just wanted family and few close friends. I could see her mama and mine already passing the tissues across the aisle to each other and Korey hadn't even made it out here yet. I heard a low whistle as Ashley appeared at the end of the aisle. Kolby smacked Eli on his shoulder.

"Dude," he whispered. "You've already married her so chill out."

"And I would do it all over again," Eli muttered back at him making me smile. We all couldn't help but chuckle at the next person down the aisle. I had laughed and given them hell since the idea was first approached.

"Not one word," Chase said lowly through clenched teeth keeping the smile on his face. "Not one damn word."

Bro. Robbins glared at him as I tried to cover my laughter with a cough at the pale pink shirt Korey had batted her eyes and talked him into when she asked him to stand up with her. I had told her to just go ahead and find him a dress. She'd slapped my shoulder and Chase had thrown my own zippo lighter at my head. Grumbled that he was gonna need a lot of whiskey to get through the day. Regardless of how stupid he thought he looked, I knew he would do it all for her again in a heartbeat. Having Chase with her and Ben with me made sure she had both her boys involved.

"Still not walking back down the aisle with you man," Ben hissed rolling his eyes. Chase shot him a smirk and ran a hand over his chest with an evil grin sliding it further down.

"That's because you couldn't handle all this," he said with a laugh. Ashley smacked his arm as the preacher looked to the sky obviously praying for patience. Thought not Catholic, I could have sworn he made the sign of the cross.

"Don't know," Wade said with a loud whisper from the front row. "Y'all sure would look cute together. You know tug that mohawk and get it all ruffled."

"Gentleman....." Bro. Robbins chastised us all. "Please behave."

Mrs. Jean leaned over smacking Wade in the back of the head as Frank choked on his laughter. Mama shot Ben a sharp glare making him look down at his feet in a hurry. Ashli came down the aisle next giving me a big wink as she stood next to Chase. I couldn't help the big grin on my face as Tinsley in her little white dress wearing what she had told me was a crown to fit a queen not a princess. She paused in front of me when she got closer and patted my arm.

"You are gonna drool Uncle B," she said with a wink making me grin. "Trust me."

As she took her place in front of her mama, the music changed pulling my attention to the end of the aisle making me literally lose my breath. The flowing white dress had lace at the top, left her shoulders bare before turning into flowing sleeves. I couldn't help but smile at the boots I saw peaking out as she walked towards me hanging onto her daddy's arm. The tiara like headband perched on her curled dark hair was only fitting of a princess. There were no words to describe how absolutely beautiful Korey looked as she got closer. Pete fixed me with a hard look as they stopped in front of me. I held my hand out shaking his as he cleared his throat when I could see the lone tear slip down his face.

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