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Brantley's POV

I winced slightly at the blank stare I was getting through the phone screen. Was probably a good thing that I had slipped outside to smoke a cigarette and make this call. It was about to get loud. I could see the vein throbbing in Frank's forehead. Ashli buried her head in his shoulder and I could hear a muffled sob as I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my own emotions in check. I took a quick drag as the silence was killing me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN Y'ALL DON'T KNOW WHO DID IT?" Frank yelled making me hold the phone further away and Ashli let out a yelp. PJ had given him a quick rundown when he called a few hours ago. "How does this happen to my baby sister? I want her on the first mother fucking plane home!"

"That's not all," I said quietly making Ashli jerk her head up peering at me through the screen with tears slipping down her cheeks. Frank nodded for me to continue. "Because of the trauma, she had a miscarriage. Neither of us had any clue she was pregnant at all. Doctor said she couldn't have been any further than six weeks along."

"Oh my god," Ashli sobbed covering her mouth as Frank's face paled. "Does she know?"

"Yes," I whispered wiping at my own eyes I took another drag blowing it out. "She overheard the doctor telling Chase earlier. Freaked out which was when they sedated her. She woke up not to long ago just as the cops were coming by to get her statement. She never saw his face Ashli. Had ducked into my dressing room to get a shirt out of my bag and the son of a bitch cut the lights on her. Tossed her into the hall like a piece of trash when he realized PJ was looking for her."

"I'm not playing," Frank growled. "I want her on the first flight out she can."

"Calm your ass down," Ashli snarled glaring at him. "You let her make that decision." Frank went to argue with her, but she cut him off covering his mouth then looked at me. "Go take care of her. Have her call me as soon as she feels up to it and tell her we love her."

"Will do," I said nodding my head as Ashli disconnected the call. I took one more drag letting out a deep exhale then stubbing it out as I pushed to my feet. I could see the sun breaking through the clouds as I made my way back into the hospital. Chase had gone to get clean clothes earlier with Ben tagging along to bring me some. I wasn't leaving Korey's side until she left here. The only reason I had slipped out to call Frank was they had taken her to run a couple more tests. Sticking my phone in my sweatpants pocket, I pushed the button for the floor I needed. I leaned back closing my eyes as the elevator moved quietly.

I had called to tell Mama what was going on before calling Frank and had broken down to her. I didn't even know where to begin on helping Korey through this. Seeing her laying in that hospital bed black and blue had sent me to my knees earlier. Reaching the right floor, I stepped out making my way down the hall. I gently pushed the door open to Korey's room and closed it behind me. Ben was kicked back in a chair on one side sleeping soundly while Chase mimicked his pose on the other side typing on his phone. Knew that if I wasn't here these two would be close by. Korey was curled on her side asleep. I toed my shoes off then sat my phone to the side as Chase looked up at me. "How long has she been back?"

"About twenty minutes," he said quietly. "Nurse said that if everything came back okay she would be released tonight. I'm gonna head back to get some sleep. Call me if anything comes up okay."

"Will do man," I said giving him a sleepy nod as Chase walked over to tap Ben in the head motioning him to follow him. The door shut behind them as I stretched out on the small bed gently laying my hand on Korey's hip. She flinched making a whimper slip past her lips as she jerked her head around. "Shh.... It's just me Princess."

"God, it hurts to move," Korey moaned but slowly rolled over to bury her battered face in my chest. I held her loosely knowing she was aching all over. I was almost asleep holding her when I felt dampness soaking into my t-shirt. A soft sob slipped out making my heart wrench. Laying my cheek on her soft hair I just held her tighter as her hands fisted in my shirt feeling my own eyes well with tears. "I should've have known. How could I have not known?"

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