You'd Have to be Out of Your Mind

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Brantley's POV

I glanced back at the seat behind me and kept a laugh in. We'd driven up to Nashville yesterday to catch the plane out to Europe for the next three weeks. I think Korey had hated to leave Maysville worse than I did. After hitting it off the first day, her and Tinsley had been inseparable. From tea parties to princess movie marathons, I'd had to compete with my goddaughter for time with my girlfriend. I didn't know who sniffled more when we left yesterday. I had been grinning at being able to do a first with Korey. And that was riding a motorcycle. She'd never ridden before and had instantly been hooked.

I'd made the time some point each day to take her for a ride around home. I'd had a songwriting session yesterday evening so Korey had hung out at her house with Ben and Chase since the girls were out of town. How she had convinced those two to watch chick flicks with her I will never know. I had laughed when I had walked in last night to see all three of them in tears over some movie. Swear those two turned into a pair of girls when it came to her. Had threatened to put it on Instagram until Korey bribed me. A satisfied grin spread across my lips thinking that she had made good on her promise.

I elbowed Jesse in the side for him to turn around and look up from the lyrics we were going over as PJ pulled into the airport. Korey had already taken her medicine and was stretched out in the seat behind us with her legs over Ben's lap and her head propped on Chase's shoulder. I slipped my phone out of my pocket snapping a quick picture to mess with her later and opened the door to the SUV when PJ stopped. We transferred all the luggage to the cart a guy brought to us. I passed my backpack and Korey's over to PJ as he headed to board the plane and climbed back in leaning over to thump Chase in the forehead waking him up.

"What the fuck?" he grumbled blinking his eyes open and glaring at me.

"We are here jackass," I chuckled reaching down to pick my sleeping girlfriend up. She jerked and her foot caught Ben in the knee making him sit straight up with a glar. I sat Korey down on her feet when I stepped out as she blinked her eyes open.

"That was a short flight," she mumbled smothering a yawn and looking around. "Shit. We haven't left yet have we."

"No Princess," I said with a chuckle wrapping an arm around her kissing her cheek. "Let's get boarded and won't be long you can go back to sleep. You can bury your head in my shoulder during takeoff."

"But B...." she said shaking her head. "I can't sleep. We spent an hour getting the perfect movie playlist together last night."

"Princesss...." I growled as she let out a yelp darting up the steps of the plane. I cleared the door and found her scrambling for a seat. "Just what did you come up with?"

"Well......" Korey said trying to keep a laugh in. "All of the Sharknado movies....."

"Snakes on a Plane," PJ chimed in as he grinned at me. Noah choked on the sip of water he was taking at the glare I gave PJ. Swear this bunch lived to torture me.

"Fuck all of you," I grumbled shaking my head dropping down in the seat by Korey. I belted in then leaned over looking at her. "You just wait. I will get you back darlin."

"Oh, I look forward to it," she whispered pressing a quick kiss to my lips then getting settled with her head on my shoulder.

Korey's POV

"What in the actual fuck," I grumbled reaching my hands up to tug at my hair in frustration. Only half of Cole's t-shirts had made it over. I knew I looked frazzled. I had tracked them down that they would be delivered tomorrow. I just prayed it was before the show. I had spent the morning sorting through making sure everything was here and trying to remember the French I was taught in high school. We had a day towards the end of the week free before we moved on to Berlin that I was hoping to get to explore some of the city if I wasn't too tired.

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