Creepin: Part I

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??? POV

I wiped at my nose shaking my head as my foot tapped. I rubbed my shaking hands on my jeans trying to get a grip. I needed another hit and soon. I glanced up from my lowered eyes watching Korey's sweet ass sway in those tight jeans she favored. I pretended to go through the boxes near me just so I could watch her. I loved the way her nose scrunched when she concentrated on her tablet or bit her lip when she was frustrated. I had done everything I could since the beginning of the tour to try to work up the nerve to actually talk to her. She was beyond beautiful and I had to have her. But it seemed like she was never alone.

If she was it wasn't for long.  Ben or Chase were constantly hanging around her. Or she was forever under the watchful eye of PJ. And now, well fuck me, now she was with him. I had seen the two of them dance around each other since the start of the tour. In my low moments, I wondered just what BG had that I didn't. Couldn't for the life of me make myself believe the rumors were true and he had actually put his hands on her. Kept hoping the ex-wife would come around saying she made a mistake so Korey would be free. I could take away all the hurt and show her just what she was missing out on.

No way he could love her like I do. Fuck calling her a princess...I could treat her like a queen. That's exactly what she was and that idiot was too blind to see it. Hearing someone call out for me, I shuffled away grumbling that I couldn't stay admiring her longer.

Korey's POV

I jerked my head up as the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. Something felt off, but I just wasn't sure what. I had been feeling like that the last few weeks. I had thought some of it was the animosity between me and Brantley since the start of the tour. Constantly felt like I was either being watched or followed. Had seemed more prevalent since we got to Europe last week. Seemed like the only time I hadn't felt unease if only in the back of my mind was the two weeks we had been in Georgia.

I hadn't told B about the random knocking on the front door of my house the night before we flew out. I had been in the kitchen getting more popcorn, so Chase nor Ben had heard it. Had opened the door to find no one there. Knew it wouldn't have been Brantley because I had given him my keys before he'd headed downtown in case I was asleep when he got back. I could have sworn someone was standing on the balcony of our hotel room the other night when we landed in Prague. I had jerked awake from my light sleep fairly sure that I had seen a shadow pass by the curtain. I had shaken Brantley awake telling him. He'd slipped out of bed easing the door open finding no one. He climbed back in pulling me close and reassuring me with a slight chuckle that I was probably just jumpy from the horror movies Ben and I had watched on the flight.

I guess he had been right since it hadn't happened again. Shaking my head at my own silliness, I looked back over the emails I was checking when a pair of hands landed on my waist. Unable to stop myself, I screamed dropping my iPad and whirling around with my fist raised. A big hand covered mine stopping me mid swing. My heart was racing. My knees were trembling.

"Princess?" Brantley said giving me a puzzled look as he let my hand go. I dove into his arms wrapping mine around his waist tight. He let out a grunt of surprise as I buried my head in his t-shirt. A big hand rubbed up and down my back. "You okay? I didn't mean to scare you sweetheart."

"I'm fine," I mumbled taking a deep breath. I lifted my head up to meet his concerned eyes. "Feeling a little off and jumpy. Don't know what has gotten into me lately."

"How about this," he said giving me a quick kiss making me smile at him. "Why don't we head back to the hotel, order some room service and relax. Know you have been pretty tired and I've had enough of people for one day after all the interviews earlier. What do you say?"

"I say you are on handsome," I said with a grin. I bent over picking up my iPad then laced my fingers with his letting him lead me out of the building. A while later I leaned back against the headboard of the bed shaking my head making my wet hair move around me as I hung up my phone. I threw my bare legs over Brantley's sweat pant covered ones as I pushed up the sleeves of his long sleeve t-shirt. I rolled my eyes as I reached for a fry off his plate earning me a playful growl as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What was that call all about?" he asked taking a sip of water then cut his eyes at me. "Or do I even want to know?"

"Seems Ben, Chase, and Cole have stumbled upon a group of hot girls at a bar just down the street," I grumbled grabbing another fry. "They don't speak English well. Why they thought I could help I do not know. Told them to use Google translate and don't call me unless they needed bailing out of jail. Carter is supposed to be their designated babysitter tonight."

"Shit," Brantley said with a booming laugh. "Those four are together. Sorry Princess, you will be bailing them out of jail. I'll call to interrupt PJ and his reading to go scare them if you want."

"No," I sighed grabbing the tray beside us to sit to the side and climbing into his lap burying my head into his neck with a sigh. Brantley wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head. "I can only pray they behave. I think they know I will rain hell down on them if they do. How much longer until this tour is over?"

"Two more months baby girl," he whispered raising his hands up to knead the knots in my shoulders. I just wish I could shake this feeling I had been having. I felt soft kisses trail up my neck making a quiet moan slip past my lips as my eyes closed feeling all the tenseness slip out of my body. "And when it is over, I plan on spending a few days with you in bed and phones cut off with the doors locked."

"That sounds like heaven," I whimpered feeling a hand slid under the shirt I was wearing. I blinked my eyes open looking up at the smirk her was giving me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "My question is can we get a head start?"

"Yes mam," Brantley drawled with a grin flipping me over and underneath him as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt my heart skip a beat as he smoothed the hair off my face looking down at me then lowered his lips a breath from mine. "I love you."

"I love too," I whispered back tugging him closer. "Now show me."

I got a grin of pure happiness before he crushed his lips to mine taking away all of the worry I'd been having earlier. So lost in each other, neither of us heard the scrape of a boot on the concrete outside or saw the faint shadow highlighted by the city lights.

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