Well Princess?: Part I

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Korey's POV

A content smile was spread across my lips as I leaned back into the warm chest behind me. A pair of leather covered arms holding me close. It had grown cooler as the sun had gone down sending me in search of my jacket earlier. Today had been just short of magical. I had laughed at the look of awe on Tinsley's face over Thanksgiving dinner when Brantley had darted back into the kitchen of the lodge at the farm and walked back out with a pink box just for her. I was sure that my ears were still ringing from the squeal when she saw the crown and pink Magic Band in the box. The look of pure joy on her face had been worth the pouting we had gotten over being busy since getting back from tour.

Cam had high fived Eli when we handed him his blue one ready to take on every roller coaster he could. I had needed this trip more than I realized. I glanced over at Tinsley perched on Ben's shoulders. A matching crown covering his mohawk just like the tiara she was currently wearing. Her Bennie Boo had to be her prince for the day. Of course, Ben had made it a point to get a selfie with each princess he could. Ashley was mirroring my pose leaned back against Eli as we watched the lights around the castle. Frank had Fox on his shoulders, who had gotten his second wind after napping, and his arm around Ashli.

He had squealed, jumping up and down when he got to meet Mickey Mouse. Mama Becky had her arm propped on Cam as they pointed out different people in the crowd laughing. After all the ups and downs of this year, I could honestly say I felt more complete than I ever had. That was thanks to the man standing behind me and my family surrounding me. Mama and Daddy had plans to go on a cruise or they would be with us.

"I tell you how cute you look in your crown earlier," Brantley chuckled in my ear making me roll my eyes as I turned my head back to look at him. I raised my hand making sure the sparkling green crown was still settled on top of my messy bun. Tinsley had insisted that since I was from Louisiana and made gumbo just like her, I had to have Princess Tiana's crown. Kolby was probably going to kill us when we got back because we both had gone a little overboard for stuff for the little miss. I threaded my fingers with his as he kissed my cheek. I was almost princess partied out after the last two days.

"You did," I said with a content sigh. I looked up at the glowing castle feeling my own excitement. We'd missed the fireworks last night since the kids had been given out. Okay adults too. Brantley had walked back into our hotel with me asleep on his back. I had laughed because he hadn't really been recognized. Between the long sleeve t-shirt covering his arm and keeping his hat backwards there had only been a double take or two but that was it.

Funny thing was Frank had been walking with me to get ice cream and a little boy from Louisiana had almost fallen off his chair trying to scramble to get to him. Brantley his arms around wrapping on around my waist the other loosely around my neck before burying his face in my neck. I wiggled as his beard tickled making him laugh. "I'm patiently waiting for fireworks B. Stop that."

"Oh I've got your fireworks right here baby," he whispered kissing the side of my neck as I leaned back further into him. "I mean we could always..."

"Nope," I said shaking my head summoning up willpower from somewhere. "I want to see these. Then you can drag me back to have your wicked way with me." I heard a grumble in my ear making me smile as the fireworks started literally taking my breath away. I glanced over at my sister in law seeing her in just as much awe as I was. Couldn't help but giggle when I felt Brantley's chest rumbled as he hummed along with the songs.

"What?" he asked with a smile down at me then rolled his eyes. "Like I didn't either grow up with half these movies or you and Tins have made me watch them."

"Ummmhmmm," I said giving him a wink. "That why you, Ben, Eli, and Frank treated us all to a rousing rendition of "Hakuna Matta" earlier."

"Woman," Brantley said narrowing his eyes. "You better have deleted that video."

"Video," I said innocently. "What video?"

"Princess," he grumbled with a sigh. "You just wait." I turned my head back to watch the fireworks. A few minutes later Brantley's lips brushed against my ear making me shiver. "It's the most magical place, so did you make a wish today baby?"

"I've got all I need right here," I said turning my head to kiss him slowly. I pulled back smiling up at him. "What about you handsome?"

"I did," Brantley said with a chuckle giving me a mischievous smile. "Something tells me it will come true."

"Oh really," I said shaking my head with a smile. "All confident are we. I don't think that means that twelve point you've......" My voice trailed off as he squeezed my hand then turned lowering to his knee beside me. I covered my mouth with a gasp as my eyes welled with tears. Fireworks booming in the sky above us. The most iconic castle in the world in the background. I could see Tinsley clapping her hands, Mama Becky, Ashli, and Ashley wiping at their eyes and Frank holding his phone up. "B? What are you doing?"

"Well you see Princess," he said squeezing my hand licking his lips. "Earlier this year, there was this bossy, stubborn, beautiful woman who stomped into my life. She's put me in my place a time or two. She has been my rock when I didn't want to admit I needed it. Makes me want to be a better man. Who loves me unconditionally. Baby, you took this heart of mine and pieced it back together. Love me way more than I deserve most days. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side and in my arms. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you Princess, but I want to show you every day. Korey Amelia Foster, will you do me the honor of giving our own fairytale a shot and marrying me?"

I tried to make my mouth form words, but they wouldn't come out as tears streamed down my face. A sob escaped past my lips as I nodded my head yes as hard as I could. Brantley blew out a breath as he slipped the twinkling princess cut diamond on my finger. He jumped to his feet yanking me to him kissing me like his life depended on it. He pulled back raising his hand to wipe the tears away.

"That was a yes right?" he asked looking into my eyes as a faint smile tugged at his lips. "Because if not then..."

"You know it was," I laughed shaking my head. "No there is not convincing me to give in. I would love nothing more than to marry you."

"Guess you know this means I won the living together argument," Brantley said with a snicker pressing his forehead to mine as I pursed my lips at him. "Told you that you would come around to my way of thinking."

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