Mind Blown

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Korey's POV

"Are you sure you have everything?" Ashli asked me as I pulled my bags from the back of her SUV. I rolled my eyes at her. She was in total mom mode right now. I had come home for a week before we headed overseas. Lainey and Kasey had grilled me endlessly over all the details. I may have left a thing or two out. I wanted to keep as much of that to myself as I could knowing it wouldn't happen again. Frank had asked me if there was any of them that he needed to beat up. Oh boy, if he only knew. A week and a half later and that kiss was still on my mind. Our first stop was going to be London. I was nervous and excited all in one. Other than going to the islands I hadn't really been out of the country. I was ashamed to admit I didn't handle flying well at all which was giving Ashli the major freak out worrying about me.

"Yes Mom," I drawled earning me a glare. "Seriously Ash, I will be fine. I will email and call when I can. Swear I will let you know when the plane lands okay."

"It's just..." she muttered chewing her lip.

"I know," I said giving her a knowing smile. "Lil sis is all grown up huh."

"Yes," Ashli sighed pulling me in for a hug. She pushed my shoulders back looking at me pointedly "You got your meds, right?"

"Yes," I laughed patting the pocket of my backpack. "I plan to take one soon. Rather sleep as much of this long flight as I can. Ash, stop freaking out. Mama wasn't even this worried when she left heading back to Louisiana the other day."

"Okay," Ashli muttered as I kissed her cheek then grabbed the handle of my suitcase after settling my duffle bag on top of it. I headed to the door of the JetLinx hangar reminding myself that I was a big girl and had this. I grinned as I walked inside seeing PJ standing there with his arms crossed waiting on me with a smile.

"Hey there Boss Lady," he said with a grin taking the handle of my suitcase. "Jeff told me that you were flying with us."

"Us?" I asked pausing in my tracks. Oh, surely not. Dammit! Last I checked I was flying out with Kerri and Cole. I was already anxious enough as it was and now they were sticking me on the same plane as BG for ten hours. I looked to the ceiling asking for patience then glared over at PJ. "Well...isn't that just convenient."

"Have no clue what you are implying darlin," PJ said with a wink then motioned for me to follow him out onto the runway handing my bags off to be loaded. I settled my backpack on my shoulder heading inside the jet tugging my sunglasses off before stowing them in their case. I was the first one on so I settled into one of the seats towards the middle that looked like I could stretch out on to sleep later. Asking for a bottle of water, I went ahead to take the Valium the doctor had prescribed me. I had just gotten back settled into my seat when the boys piled on following PJ. A wide grin spread across Ben's lips when he tugged his glasses off seeing me.

"Korey!" he said flopping into the seat beside me. "How you doing sweetheart? Looking beautiful as always."

"Thanks," I said rolling my eyes as I looked down at the black Under Armor leggings I was wearing with an oversize FFNation t-shirt and not a stitch of makeup. "I'm just ready to go. I hate flying."

"You're not the only one," Ben said with a snicker pointing at Jeff, who shuffled onboard dropping into the first seat he saw. Poor man looked green around the gills. "He always downs as much Dramamine as he can when we fly."

Ben was filling me in on what had been going on during our week off when Brantley stepped in the cabin with his black backpack tossed over his shoulder and earbuds draped around his neck. Like the rest of us he was dressed for comfort in black track pants with a white Grunt Style t-shirt and a black beanie instead of his ballcap. He tucked his glasses into the collar of his shirt as he walked. He briefly cut his eyes over to me sitting by Ben as he passed by making his way to the back. The pilot came over the speaker that we would be taking off and belted in closing my eyes. I had a death grip on the seat as we started to move.

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