Is It Over?

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Korey's POV

I slipped my hand out of Brantley's then walked to the bus as he turned his attention to a man and woman walking up. I punched in the code knowing I better hurry before he or PJ came looking for me. I tried to remember if I had left the bag up front or back on my bed. I was pulled from my thoughts when I saw the figure sitting hunched over on the couch. What the hell? I took an involuntary step back as a pair of bleary, red rimmed, brown eyes lifted to meet mine. Biting back a gasp, I schooled my features just wondering what the hell he was doing here. I took in the jittery hands, but what scared me the most was the wild eyes and then he started to speak.

"Finally, we get a few minutes alone my queen," the voice that haunted my nightmares spoke. I was paralyzed with fear as he pushed off the couch stumbling over to me. I don't know what he was on but I could tell he was flying high as he reached a bony hand out for me. "You and I are going for a little ride and no one will stop us this time. You will do exactly what I say or something will happen to your precious BG."

"Georgie," I growled trying to keep from shaking as I pondered just how to slip my hand back around under my shirt to get my pistol. PJ had slipped it back in it's holster after meet and greet. "If you think you are laying another hand on me again you are sadly mistaken."

"Who's gonna save you?" he chuckled with a malicious gleam in his eye. "It's just you and me on here. If you cooperate, no one has to get hurt this time."

"Oh so the beating the hell out of me last time was because I wouldn't fall in line," I snarled my hands shaking with fear and rage. "Do you have any idea what you did to me? Of course you don't because you're not privileged to that information. Well let my fill you in you psychotic fuck. You not only beat the hell out of me, pissed off the one man you don't ever want to cross, but you took something from me that night. I was pregnant you bastard and I had no clue at all! You can rot in hell for all I care. Or jail. Whichever comes first. Something tells me that if you lay another hand on me it will be hell."

"Its okay my queen," Georgie said soothingly as he tried to step closer to me as I inched backwards. That's when I noticed the leftover white powder under his nose. "I can give you a child. All you have to do is say the word. I watched you today with the little one. You are so good with her. Would you like her?"

"You stay the fuck away from her!" I snapped as he dove for me. I spun around trying to get to the door only to have a hand fist the back of my t-shirt yanking me back. Georgie banded a bony arm around my throat squeezing tight as he nuzzled the side of my neck. I opened my mouth to scream but it was cut off as he increased the pressure. I focused the best I could as black spots started creeping into the edge of my vision. Don't pass out Korey, don't pass out.

"No," he purred placing a hand on my hip. "You are not getting away from me this time. I mean it. You will do what I say and give me what I want. Or next time it will be more than a light that falls. I have access to all kinds of things with this job. A light could fall, a part removed just so on the tire of a bike, mess up a couple of amps so they short out. I've imagined them all. Not just BG I could get and you know that. Are you going to do what I ask?"

I nodded my head yes slowly hoping that I could buy just enough time for my few minutes to be up and Brantley or PJ would come looking for me. Georgie trailed his hand up from my hip the squeeze my left breast hard enough to make me whimper in my throat. My stomach churned as he pressed against my back. He made a mistake however in not grabbing my hands then spinning me around to face him fisting his hands in my ponytail. He gave me a smile that chilled my blood as he tugged my head back lowering his lips closer to mine.

"How about a kiss to seal our deal my beautiful queen?" he whispered huskily never seeing my hand slip under my shirt. I almost side in relief as my fingers brushed the cool metal of my pistol. Georgie's eyes widened when he heard the click of a round chambering as I pressed the barrel to his stomach. He looked down then back up at me and I could see the fear flare into his eyes. He locked it down then snarled down at me as I took his moment of hesitation to back away from him feeling the yank on my hair as I did. "You wouldn't. You don't have it in you to shoot me. Too sweet and kind for that. My queen you could never hurt anyone."

"Want to make a bet you son of a bitch," I snarled. Rage flared in his dull brown eyes as he rushed at me with raised fists. I never hesitated as I squeezed the trigger sending him stumbling backwards clutching his chest as he slipped to the floor. I backed away from him as the door to the bus banged open and I heard my name yelled. I kept the gun leveled at Georgie. My hand the only thing steady as the rest of my body shook.

"KOREY!" Brantley yelled as my back was still to the door. I felt him wrap an arm around me tugging me flush against him then sliding his other hand up my arm to grip my wrist. His lips brushed my ear pulling me from my stupor. "Give me the gun Princess."

PJ stalked past both of us as Brantley took the pistol from me flipping the safety on then turned me around to check me over. Georgie was sprawled out on his back clutching at his lower chest in shock as blood pooled under him. I heard a dark chuckle slip past B's lips as PJ pressed a booted foot down just above the wound making him howl in pain. Keeping me behind him, Brantley stepped closer looking down at Georgie coldly. He raised my gun up looking at it and I could see the thoughts in his mind. He wanted nothing more than to put a bullet between his eyes ending this.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't cock this gun back and end you mother fucker," Brantley growled.

"Go ahead BG," I heard chuckled behind me as I turned to see a tall, lethal looking man giving me a quick smile before rubbing his beard in thought. Jesus, where did he come from. "I can make sure he disappears. Not like he will be missed. Bella turned up he has no family. Had his eye on Korey for a while from the photos she discovered on his phone and computer. Turns out he spotted her in Nashville at one of her brother's shows last year and has been quietly stalking her since. Only amped up his game after he realized you were what he perceived to be a threat. That and well the nasty coke habit he has. If it were me, I'd end the miserable little shit."

"What ya say Boss?" PJ said looking down at the wounded man with an evil smile making Georgie whimper in fear. He looked so pathetic laying there. A shell of a man now.

"No," I murmured laying a hand on Brantley's arm. He turned his head looking down at me looking into my eyes with question. "He's not worth the lead wasted on putting another bullet in him. Judging by my shot he will be lucky if he makes it since I am sure y'all told Eli to wait a minute to call the cops. Granted he does survive, he will be going away for a long time after what he did to me in Stockholm. Think he has learned I'm not the easy mark he thought. I just want this over with."

"More merciful than I would be Princess," Brantley whispered leaning his forehead against mine then nodding before kissing me slowly.

"Get me out of here," I whispered as the shock started to set in. I let him help my walk off the bus as I could hear the sounds of sirens approaching. I silently prayed for forgiveness in my hopes that he didn't make it.

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