Well Princess?: Part II

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Korey's POV

My hands dug into the headboard and I bit my lip trying to keep a scream in as another long lick swirled around my clit. My legs shook as the iron grip holding my thighs open tightened when I tried to wiggle away. A whimper slipped out as a long finger joined the tortuous tongue making me throw my head back. It was too much. He'd already been teasing me the whole way back to the hotel. Hands everywhere. Took us longer to get back than everyone else because he'd tug me into a dark corner kissing me hard. Or slow and soft. My senses had been on overload before we ever stepped foot in our room.

Then as soon as we did clothes went flying. Was like he took the greatest delight in taking me to the edge and backing me off. Wait a minute, this was Brantley, of course he did. He knew exactly how to play my body. When he increased the pace of his tongue and finger a loud moan escaped my throat. Most magical place on earth alright. Be even better if he would stop teasing me and let me cum. Currently kicking myself for not packing the handcuffs, so I could turn the tables on him.

"Uh uh," I felt mumbled sending shocks through me as I glanced down between my legs meeting a serious pair of green eyes. Fuck me the hot look he was giving me almost sent me over the edge. "You make a sound and I stop Princess. There is only one word I want to hear from you and that is yes."

"IIIII...alllreeaddyyy... said yes..." I moaned rocking my hips trying to get the friction I wanted. I was so damn close. Brantley pushed my hips up just enough to keep me from brushing my clit against his beard. Fuck. I needed something. Anything. But nope, my stubborn ass had to keep being difficult. "Big ass ring on my finger remember?"

A sharp pop across my bare ass cheek made a yelp slip out as I dug my nails into the headboard so hard I was sure there was going to be marks left. Teeth clamped down on my clit as he slid a finger back into my dripping center curling it just so before pulling back. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming in frustration. Ring on my finger or not he knew I was close to giving in to our argument over moving in and he knew it. I loved waking up with him each day. Both of us being on the road would be separation enough. I wanted to come home to him.

"FINE!" I yelled feeling a deep chuckle against my center as Brantley lapped and sucked my clit pulling me closer to his talented mouth. I could just imagine the satisfied grin spreading across those tortuous lips. "I'll move in!"

My answer was Brantley gripping my hips as he slid me down and sat up at the same time. I let out a gasp as he settled me down on his hard dick thrusting up hard. My eyes rolled back in my head at the feeling of him stretching me. I wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face there tracing my teeth over his pulse point knowing what it did. I felt him hardened even further in me as he gripped my hips tightly gliding me up and down his length. He threaded his fingers in my hair tugging my head back making my back arch as I moved my hips along with his trying to increase the pace. God, he had to stop teasing me. Then on the other hand who was I kidding. I never ever would get enough of him and now I got to spend the rest of my life with him.

I circled my hips earning me a deep moan that made me grin as I did it again. Big hands gripping my hips stilled my motion as I lifted my eyes meeting a gleaming pair of green ones as he tightened his grip. I knew I would have faint bruises tomorrow, but I didn't care. I felt my pussy tighten from the hot devour me look I was getting. Brantley lifted me up as he pulled his hips back slamming up into my hard. I buried my face in his neck to muffle my scream. He did it again as I came so hard I could see stars. Digging my teeth into his shoulder I felt myself pulsing around him dragging him with me with a hoarse shout.

Brantley slumped to his side pulling me with him. I hissed as he slipped out of me. Man knew the merit of deeper and harder without me even saying a word. Arms wrapped around me pulling me close. This feeling right here I could live on the rest of my life. The safeness. The feeling loved. I had no doubt that he loved me. Lips brushed along my temple pulling me from my thoughts as warm, rough hands traced along my back.

"What you thinking so hard about Princess?" Brantley murmured drowsily. I shifted closer burying my face into his neck soaking up his warmth.

"That I hate you got your way,'' I grumbled making him start laughing.

"Baby," he said lowering his head kissing me softly. "It's cute you thought you were gonna get your way. It really is. What you don't know it Ashli and the girls packed all your stuff last week. I figured we could follow her and Frank back to Nashville, spend a day or two up there and then load it all up. Love that you thought you had a choice."

"Ass," I hissed rolling my eyes as a smile tugged at my lips. "So sure of yourself huh?"

"When it comes to you my beautiful fiancée of mine,'' Brantley said with a soft smile. My heart swelled at him calling me his fiancée. It really wasn't a dream. "Always."

"Bossy ass," I sighed kissing him slowly feeling his hands grip me. A nip to my lips made me smile.

"When it comes to you Princess," he whispered. "I have to be. But wouldn't take you any other way. Keeps our life interesting. Stories we will have to tell our kids for sure."

"Kids?" I asked feeling my eyes well with tears. I knew he'd mentioned it a time or two. I knew that I wanted them when the time seemed right. A thumb stroked my cheek as a slow smile spread across Brantley's lips.

"Yes kids," he said quietly. "Whenever you are ready. But according to Mama, I'm only getting older so may want to be planning a wedding baby." I pushed his shoulder with a sigh. "But in all serious baby, starting to tomorrow you better get an idea in mind. I am dying to call you my wife."

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