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Faelyns pov

I shut the front door and slide off my shoes. School was so exhausting and I just needed something to eat.

What? Stress eating duh.

I mentally scoffed myself as I picked up my shoes and marched upstairs, grabbing a cupcake my mother had baked last night that was on display, on the way.

Swinging my bedroom door open and tossing my bag into the corner of the room I set down my shoes, lightly closing the door behind me.

Moms not even home you idiot.

I rolled my eyes at myself as I walked over to my window. I cracked the window a bit and took out my phone to pass time.

Finally I heard it, I heard the wheels rolling on the pavement of my sidewalk while I lifted my head to see him do a small flip over the short firehidrent.

My heart always pounded fast and I was waiting for the day he'd fall. I knew it would happen but today it didn't.

Glancing back down at my phone it read 3:22 pm. Yep, that's right, your girl spent seven minutes waiting for this damn kid just to do a flip in front of my house.

I mentally slapped myself as I got up from the window and walked over to my desk. I pulled out my stool and seated atop it, pulling out a new blank sheet of paper and sketching out a guy doing a flip over a firehidrent, a guy-hmm yes I mean the one and only skater boy.

I don't even know the kids name, I mean he looks as if he could be around my age, but then again I've never actually seen his face, just his curls that lay atop his head.

I must've zoned out for a while after sketching since my front door closing echoed through the house and my mother called me down.

"Faelyn, could you come down here?" I got up from my seat and jogged downstairs to meet her in the kitchen, grocery bags all over the place.

"Would you mind helping me? We're having guests over for dinner." She announced unpacking a plastic bag.

"Who are we having over mum?" "Oh the Avery's, their son will be attending your school next week, they're very nice." She announced smiling up at me.

"Ooh ok" you see my mother was my schools third principal. Weird I know three principals, she isn't as bossy as the other two, honestly she's the nicest and I'm glad she's the principle, even if I don't come to her with my in school issues I still like rides to school in the morning.

I started unpacking with her and smiled widely when I dug out a new jar of Nutella. "I'm going to start dinner, just store the extra bags into the cabinet." "Ok" I did as told then after asking her if she needed anything else and her replying with a simple 'no, thanks sweetie' I headed upstairs.

I grabbed my guitar that hung on the wall and sat down onto my desk stool. I started strumming and playing notes and songs and eventually started playing 'let her go' since it was my go-to warm up song.

I was so caught up in the strumming I didn't even hear anyone approach my door. Let alone enter our house but here I am stopping mid strum to see skater boy.

Skater boy | Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now