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Faelyn's Pov

It had been a few weeks now, of constantly going to the hospital to visit Jack. And every time I'd gone, I'd brought him something.

One morning it was a stuffed animal, and the next it was flowers.

"You're like my knight in shining armour" the boy chuckled softly as I handed him a stuffed animal and a box of chocolates.

"Anything for my sunshine" I impersonated, my tone teasingly lowering to his, as my eyes lingered.

"How're you feeling?" I asked, sitting on the bed with him as he adjusted himself, stuffing chocolates into his face like a child.

"I'm honestly feeling better..these pain meds have been helping" he smiled, his dimples showing, and glimmering under the sunlight that seeped in trough the window.

"That's great!" I couldn't help but blurt, throwing my arms around him as he let or a pained grunt.

Immediately, guilt washed over me, and I turned to apologize, reeling my hands back, "Jack I'm so-" "I'm just fucking with you" he cut me off, playfully.

With a small look of playful annoyance, I bumped his shoulder, to where he hastily let out a small real hiss of pain. In response-with no remorse-I stuck my tongue out at him.

To which he responded by literally licking it.

And from there..there was a whole lot of French kissing.

"Today's the day!" I sung, stepping into his hospital room, Meredith, an old woman who was on the other side of the curtain, greeted me with a shout.

"Faelyn" the elder woman chirped, allowing me to walk past Jack who was currently eating breakfast, and popping my head around her curtain.

"How's my favourite teenager doing?" The old woman greeted sweetly, her wrinkled skin slightly sweaty-and her face paler than the day before.

I'd met Meredith about half a week after Jack was admitted. She was sweet, a petit elderly woman with grey curly hair, and blue eyes. She was in her 80's, but she had quite a spunk to her.

She was admitted into the hospital after a kidney injury-but I've never really gotten the full story.

The doctors had always been taking her out of the room, and returning her with a different machine. Surly not for her Kidneys.

There was something else that she wasn't telling me, but she didn't know me personally, so I didn't have a choice but to believe her.

Though, we've grown quite the bond these past weeks together.

"I'm doing good, how've you been holding up Meri?" I asked, using a nickname she suggested for me.

The old woman smiled crookedly, "I've been better" she sighed.

"No visit yet?" I asked with a small frown, referring to the selfish family she'd talked to me about.

"No" she responded sadly.

"It's alright. I'm here. And we're going to have a great time today" I chirped, though she shook her head.

"I have something to tell you-and Jack" she announced quietly, and so I nodded-weary, I pulled back the deciding curtain so she could get a glimpse of Jack-who was stuffing his face with an English muffin.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sensing the change in her demeanour.

"I have..a brain tumour" the woman finally sighed.

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