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Faelyns POV

The next thing I know we were throwing the pancake supplies, powders and ingredients at each other.

"Jack water you doing" I asked launching a cup of water at his face and laughing while he wiped it with his powder covered hands.

"Eggscuse me" he sassed while tossing two eggs at me and they both exploded on my stomach.

I raised my eyebrows picking up the batter covered whisk and reeling my arm back to whip it at him.

We turned to the sound of my mother clearing her throat. She held a serious expression on her face but after me and Jack sent each other nervous looks she cracked a smile and let out a small laugh.

"Faelyn and Jack, I leave for ten minutes and you guys have a food fight? Oh my lord.." "I'm very sorry Mrs-" "Jack, what did I tell you about calling me Mrs?" "Oh right sorry Michelle" he replied rubbing his neck with his dirty hand causing me to laugh.

"What?" He turned raising his eyebrows. "Nothin." I shrugged smiling back at him. "Okay, well.. you kids go and clean yourselves up while I clean up your mess.. I'll also make the pancakes sense you guys didn't get to that.." she trailed off sending us small smiles as she chuckled to herself.

"Lovebirds" she coughed as she passed me.. again, I promise she's an adult...

I rolled my eyes grabbing Jacks arm and dragging him away from the kitchen and up to my room, grabbing his bag on the way, before my mother could comment on us liking each other again.

We walked to the bathroom and turned on the tap. It was a small space to stand in when trying to wash your hands sense the upstairs sink is small.

I slid my hands under the water before pumping soap onto my fingers and rubbing my hands together. He waited behind me while I took my time.

"Can you hurry it up" he whined holding his dirty hands up. "Hold on.. jheez Jack you-" he hip-bumped me to the side while standing between me and the wall before hovering his hands on top of mine to wash them with the tap water.

I rolled my eyes shoving my hands over his and we continued like this before he grabbed my hands. "Look, your hands are clean. My hands are still full of batter so I'd like to wash them." He answered with a bit of sass while I felt the blush rise onto my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes. "Well now my hands are dirty again because you touched them." I replied flicking water at him.

You can only guess what happened next..

We had a water fight..

He raised his eyebrows, sending me a smirk, before cupping both of his hands and collecting water.

He launched the water at me and I became soaked from the neck up. I narrowed my eyes picking up the soap tub and pumping it, squirting the soap at him.

"Eww it's in my mouth" he whined shoving his head under the running tap to wash out his mouth.

My laughter filled the bathroom before we heard my mother shout; "you two better not be starting some sort of fight up there".

We looked at each other, him still under the tap while I started laughing at him even more causing him to laugh too.. resulting into him coughing.

My eyes widened as I switched off the tap. He rose his head spitting out water and I didn't fail to see the bubbles in the water while I let out a small laugh.

"You're laughing? I almost died!" He exclaimed, grabbing the hanging towel and drying his face.

I snatched it from him before drying my own and we looked at each other before letting out another laugh.

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