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Faelyns POV

Jack, Daniel and I finally hopped into the car where everyone was waiting. Everyone held confused faces as to why we took so long, causing me to shake my head and drag Jack into the back seat with me.

Daniel was driving, Jonah was in the passenger seat, Zach was on the far left seat as Corbyn and Christina were sat up against each other, talking in hushed voices.

I chuckled at Zach, poor kid, he was third wheeling and it sure was funny. I sat in the middle chair before I could put my seat belt on Jack looked down at me, expectantly waiting for an answer.

His soft eyes never changed as. I lay my head into his lap and lay across the other two seats. "Fae-" "thank you" I rushed out in a mumbled, my hands latching around the boy as he ran his hands through my hair soothingly.

"Can you please tell me who that was?"He asked in a whisper while locking eyes with me. Daniel had begun driving right now and I just sighed, making sure everyone else was focused on something before catching Jacks eyes again.

"Well, Uh... my mom, she used to be married" I gulped as Jack waited for me to continue. "And her husband was uhm ab-busive" I mumbled as Jack tensed up. "Faelyn you don't have to tell me th-" "but I want to" I cut him off sitting up as I leaned into him.

Jack pulled me into his lap as he held me into his chest. "It started when my mom was at work, he Uh he was downstairs with some friends and they were talking about clubs and deals and money" I mustered out quietly as my hands began to shake recalling the memory clear as day.

"My mom had a major decrease in her bank account that week, the exact amount I saw in his hands as he gave it to his friends.." I trailed as my eyes shut before continuing.

"Before they came he had told me to go to my room and to bed, but I-I just wanted to wait for my mom.. so I sat on the stairs.." I mumbled as my eyes scrunched up and Jack hugged me tighter.

"I saw everything, heard everything, and at one point I gasped" I shuddered as I rested my head on his chest, he grabbed my hands, containing them from their shaking before I continued.

"He started yelling things, rude things, up at me so I ran to my room, I fumbled with my door lock and he-he barged in" I muttered Turning my head to look down.

"He, uhm, he came in, p-punched me in my jaw, and sent a few punches to the stomach.. before 'making sure I didn't see any of that', once I replied he just pushed me onto the floor.." I frowned not realizing a few tears had fell onto Jacks shirt before looking up at his watery eyes.

"But he didn't stop" I muttered before turning my head again. Jack brought his hand up to my chin as he turned it to look up at him. "What do you mean?" He asked in a whisper.

"He Uh, he would strive for the power he gained from hurting me, so he continued it every night. Jack he repeatedly hurt me, a-and if I tried to fight back he-he'd do worse, his punches would be harder, eviler grins.. I-" I started chocking up before Jacks thumb wiped some tears.

"It continued for weeks" I whispered, he tensed before I continued. "Whenever he was home I always took precautions because he'd never show that side of him in front of my mom.. so she never believed me.." I trailed before shaking my head at the memory.

"Until one day, I was getting punches, hits, slaps, in my living room. She got home from work early and saw it all... so I told her about what I saw..we sent him to court and for days, no months she cried...because they only pressed minimal charges before.. dropping the case. She cried because she felt bad she didn't believe me.. she cried because he was my father" I gulped.

"My father who was the same man who forgot my birthday, the same man who showed up at home in the middle of the night drunk out of his mind, the same man who used to love me and call me his daughter... and the same m-man who threatened that he-he'd make my life a living h-hell" I gulped before snuggling into him while letting a few tears drop.

He kissed my forehead before embracing me In a tight hug. "Faelyn I'm so so sorry.. he sighed. "That's why whenever he sees me in public....he 'pays a visit.'"

By this time more tears were coming down my face and more tears were being wiped by him. I just looked up at him and noticed his frown. "Hey, it's ok, I'm okay" I said placing a gentle hand on his cheek.

"Yeah, and I'm glad you are" he said sweetly.

He sent me a small smile before he unbuckled his seat belt and lied onto the chairs. He pulled me with him causing me to giggle as we latched our arms around each other while snickering at some jokes we were beginning to tell one another.

I'm not sure what Daniel did but he hit a bump in the road, probably a speed bump, really fast and I went rolling onto the floor of the car, in front of the seats as Jack lay on the chairs  laughing.

I smacked his arm that was hanging off of the seat before he popped his head over and looked down at me. He waved, snickering before I smirked back at him and grabbed his arm.

I sat up and pulled him onto the floor when I got up onto the seat and lay there. Hearing Jacks grunt and a victorious laugh from myself as I pushed aside my thought on how cute his grunt was.

Damn he's got a cute ass grunt..

"Everything okay back there?" Daniel asked before everyone replied, ignoring Jacks small no and I replied with "yes, we're perfectly fine"

Christina glanced back at us and let out a small laugh before nodding her head and sending me a wink.

I swear to God, my cheeks better not betray me.


Too late.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I hid my face from Jacks sight and looked out of the window.

Jack was still on the floor, a small silence before I heard stifled laughter erupt from him.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that Carters" he said from the floor. "Okay, and?"  I sassed crossing my arms as he popped his head up to look at me.

"Help me up" he whined as I shook my head. "Please" he asked before I let out a long sigh.

"Fine" I said with a playful eye roll.

I reached down to help Jack up with a smile on my face as he grabbed my hand. Trying to reel his weight up I instead fall onto him causing us both to laugh.

"You have a really nice laugh" he commented before squeezing my cheek and I rolled my eyes, pulling his hand away from my face as I smirked "you're not to bad yourself"

With that I pecked his nose and jumped back up onto the seats. Jack frozen on the floor as I sat up straight and looked out the window, smiling knowing damn well I'd made him flustered.


I know this was a filler but How are y'all liking it?? I kinda have a few different ideas of where to take this book and I'm excited to release some chapters I have in store. Btw it's boutta get interesting real soon!1!1


THANKS so much for reading, and enjoying! Stay tuned.

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Peace out✌🏻


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