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Faelyns POV

I yawned as I went to get up but a huge weight held me down.

What the hell?

I turned my head to see Jack. Right. I scrunched my eye brows together and looked down at his arms, they were latched around my waist and a blush crept onto my cheeks.

Why do I have to blush so early in the morning. Stupid Jack.

I rolled my eyes and wriggled around before he opened his eyes lazily.

He looked upward and sent me a small smile. "Hey Faelyn" he yawned quietly and brought his arms up to stretch behind his head.

Aweh he's adorable in the morning..

"Aye Noodles, now why are you still here, your mom was supposed to pick you up." I asked sitting up. I didn't mention the fact that he slept in my bed with me over night. He just rolled his eyes.

"I don't know ask your mother" woah his morning husky voice is hottttt. Jheez- "ask me what?" I jumped at my moms voice. I swear she was a hawk in her past life.

"Why is he still here, won't his mom be mad?" I asked worriedly. "Oh no she won't, I called and said that Jack was able to stay the night because you two were watching movies and I didn't wanna intrude, she also said that his sisters were going to their friends today, so he's welcome to stay the night again. She also dropped off a bag of clothes for him that I put on the couch downstairs."she concluded, my mouth hanging open, how is his mother so chill about this?

"That was what you were doing.. right?" My eyes widened and he let out a laugh. "Yeah something like that.." he replied causing my mother to throw me an amused glance.

"Good, why don't you hang around for a bit I'm gonna head to the store to grab some pancake mix, I'll be back in half hour or so." We nodded at her and she left us alone causing us to burst out in laughter.

"Oh jheez, that's my mother for ya" I said calming my giggles. He smiled and grabbed my waist pulling me back into his chest as we lied in the bed again.

"What are you doing?" I asked reaching a hand behind me to pat his cheek. "Shh I'm tired" I rolled my eyes "no, lemme go I wanna brush my teeth you dork" he shook his head "I need a cuddle buddy so hush now Fae"

There are those butterflies again and I rolled my eyes. I turned on my stomach and now we were chest to chest. I looked up into his brown eyes and our faces were about an inch apart.

I sighed leaning my head into the crook of his neck. "Ok, go to sleep, but if you snore I'm slapping you" I mumbled into his neck as I closed my eyes to breath in his scent.

He smells so good like jheez. My forehead rested against his soft skin of his neck and I felt, and heard, his breath hitch.

"Now I can't go back to sleep" he grumbled flipping us over as he wrapped his arms around me and stuffed his head into my neck. "Why?"

"Because, my eyes have already adjusted to the light.. God Fae.." he mumbled grumpily and I chuckled sitting up and pulling his weight with me.

He was straddling me and I smirked. "Aww is Jack grumpy in the morning?" I asked and fake pouted. "Yes" he mumbled leaning his head on my shoulder tiredly.

"So you won't like this?" And with that I shoved him off of me and he tumbled to the floor. I rolled onto my back clutching my stomach on the bed while my laughter erupted through the room.

"So abusive, just wait for what I have in store" he grumbled getting up and coming toward me. My eyes widened and I stifled my laugh at his messy hair.

I fake gasped aloud. "Did you hear that.." I asked pointing to the closet. He sent me a blank stare and smirked picking me up over his shoulder.

"Now, we're gonna go find that computer charger" he smiled swinging the door to my closet open and shutting us inside. It was a small space and my eyes widened.

I felt crammed and began to shake a bit.

"Can I get out please.." I asked panic clear as day on my face. He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Why?" I was very crammed and I could feel the sweat beading my forehead.

He lifted me up bridal style and kicked open the door. He brought me downstairs and set me onto the marble counter which was cold on my butt.

"What was that about?" He asked seriously. We held eye contact for a long time him waiting for an answer and me cracking a smile at his goofy 'questioning' face.

I cracked a small laugh and soon after we were both laughing at nothing in particular. I leaned forward my stomach hurting from laughing. He held onto the counter to hold himself upright.

"Cmon Fae, Seriously, What was it about?" He asked with a smile. "I'm claustrophobic you goon" I replied slapping his chest playfully while sending him a small smile.

"Oh okay.. now I know not to do that.. but I could still do-this!" He smirked tickling my sides and I bursted out in laughter again. "No no, s-s-stop-p. I Ne-e-ed-a Pee-e" I laughed after a few minutes of being tickled.

He instantly stopped and I giggled pointing behind him while pulling a shocked look. He turned around and I jumped on his back, he quickly held under my thighs when I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Just kidding" I mumbled into his ear, I felt him tense under me and his grip tighten.

Someone knocked on the door and he walked over, me still on his back. He dipped his head to look through the peephole causing me to hit my head on the door. "Ouch you dummy, what was that for" I mumbled letting him go with one arm to scratch my head.

He chuckled opening the door to reveal my mother behind it with two grocery bags in her hand. She sent us wide smiles. "Glad you guys are up"

She walked past us and to the kitchen stopping mid step. "Shoot, what time is it Fae?" She asked hurriedly. "Uhhh" I pulled out Jacks phone from his back pocket, clicking the home screen button to see the time; "8:33" I replied sliding it back into his pocket.

"Oh my, I have a meeting with the board at 9:15, you kids start preparing the batter while I get ready, alrighty?" "Sure no problem at all Mrs Carters-" "oh hun Just call me Michelle." She smiled and he nodded his head.

She set the bags down and announced she was gonna go get ready while hurriedly walking up the steps.

Me and Jack turned our heads to each other and let out a small laugh. He shook his head and let go of me causing a yelp to escape my lips as I slid down his back.

I rolled my eyes while he smiled at me innocently and turned to unpack the bags.

Once done I grabbed all of the supplies. "Do you want help?" He asked coming over. "Oh no, I was just wanting you to stand there and watch me because I was gonna sculpt you-yes I want help you bimbo" I grumbled sarcastically while hitting his arm.

He smiled shaking his head, "ok sauce it" I raised a questioning eyebrow. "Sauce it?" I asked. "Yeah pass it" he replied. "Sauce it" I mocked quietly passing him the box which contained the powder.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to get a cup and fill it with water. He turned bumping into me causing a bit to spill onto me. "Oops" he replied sending me a smile.

I smiled back shaking my head and grabbing a small hand full of powder before launching it at him.


Thought I'd end this off on a fun note sense this is a filler chapter after all. And it has been EDITED!

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