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Faelyns POV

New Year's Eve.. Who woulda thought I'd even make it, I've had so many mental breakdowns and about to have more because of exams. But like, that's okay, I've got my best friends to fail with me.

The thoughts about the new year ran through my head like a hamster on a wheel. It was New Years break and we only had to go back to school next week, which was great.

I rolled over on my bed, lazily sitting up after staring at the white ceiling for a good minute. My eyes began to close in tiredness, I pulled the sheets further up my neck-"Faelyn!" My mother sounded from downstairs.

I shut my eyes tight, turning onto my stomach so I'd pretend I was asleep. I was not ready to wake up..

All of a sudden my door swung open, hitting the wall, as the sheets were pulled off of my body. "What the hell mo-" I turned, hearing the chuckle of my best friend.

"Jack, drop it" I demanded, holding a hand out as if he was a dog. "No" he whined, "cmon, I wanna go watch a movie" I shook my head, "no, not this early. I want sleep" I said, gripping onto the blanket.

I was only in my sweats, red t-shirt, and my hair was in a bun. "Not right now idiot" he shot back "I meant later, right now I want some cereal" he suggested.

"Absolutely not." I muttered, pulling a pillow over my face before that too was snatched from me. "Sister snatched" Jack said, tossing it behind him.

"Jack" I inhaled calmly, slowly opening my eyes to look at him. "What?" He asked, now draping the blanket over his shoulders.

"You have point six seconds to get your but outta here before I strangle you with that blanket" I threatened, sitting up and glaring at him.

"No" he replied, gripping onto the blanket over his shoulders. No? What? When did he- in a swift movement he swung the blanket over me, wrapping my upper half in the long cloth before picking me up bridal style.

"What the hell" I whined, thrashing my legs around as he carried me out of the room. "I said we were gonna grab cereal" he shrugged, "and I wanted to keep you warm-oh I also wanted to tie your arms down so you wouldn't strangle me" he beamed proudly, making his way towards the kitchen after carrying me down the steps.

"You little-" "oh goodmorning" he chirped, ignoring me. "Who are you talking to?" I snapped, the sun from the kitchen window now beaming into my ey-soul.

"You. Goodmorning my sunshine" he smiled sweetly, he was acting.. nicer than usual. "Why are you acting so nice? Are you off of your man-period?" I asked, chuckling while he set me into his lap after sitting on a chair.

"No, are you on your period? You're acting awfully rude" he sassed, snapping his fingers while pouring cereal-that had been set out by him on the table-and chuckling.

"Uh yeah, I am" I sassed, the boy was already getting on my nerves, was I on my period? Yes, but it was practically almost done. Did I wanna make him feel bad? Also, Yes, indeed.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he said, picking me up and carrying me to the living room to sit me on the love seat before leaving. I sat in confusion, about a minute passes before he reappears with a glass of hot chocolate.

"Here, be careful, it's hot" he said, handing it to me. "How am I gonna drink it if I'm wrapped in this-cocoon" I gritted out, keeping the act up as he sent me an apologetic look. "Uh, okay okay, I'll leave it on the table here, drink it when you turn into a butterfly, I need to go run an errand real quick" he rambled as I raised an eyebrow.

"But I want you to stay" I pouted as he set the cup down onto the table side. "I'll be right back, I promise" he smiled, bending down to give my forehead a peck and winking at me. "Don't miss me too much" he teased, pivoting and grabbing his shoes along with his phone.

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